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Our Programming

Working with our patients over the years, understanding their needs, and having top experts in a range of modalities, has allowed us to create some of the best programming for our patients. We are proud of our levels of care, PHP, IOP and OP transitional care. In addition, we offer convenient, comfortable supportive mental health living homes for those needing a safe environment while attending our program. Our program schedule is designed with a variety of modalities and services to accommodate each patient in our care.

We encourage you to take some time to review our treatment modalities to understand what it is that we offer, the goals of the modalities and what patients can expect. Since we are continually innovating and enriching our programming, we are always working behind the scenes with our team to create healing opportunities that gently, yet steadily, guide you during your mental health treatment experience in Newport Beach.

As you learn more about our programs, keep in mind that your treatment plan is customized to your needs with therapies and modalities that are led and facilitated by our experts who work hard to ensure you derive the most benefit out of each.

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Treatment Modalities

Process & Assignment Presentation Groups

Process Groups allow patients the opportunity to share their struggles and challenges in a small group setting led by trained group therapists. Within a safe and confidential environment, individuals are free to share and receive support and encouragement and hear multiple perspectives and feedback from others.


Conducted in both our PHP and IOP programs, the goal of these 90-minute group sessions is to allow for interpersonal interactions and gives group members a way to deepen their level of self-awareness while they learn how they relate to others.

What to Expect

The unstructured nature of the groups allows for an organic flow of topics depending upon the themes that develop from the information shared amongst group members.

Many times there are assignments or readings assigned ahead of time that all patients are asked to complete. Additionally, we provide a copy of Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown to all patients and weave in material from this throughout process/individual sessions.

Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Patients will develop a mindfulness that recognizes ways in which their attempts to suppress, manage, and control emotional experiences creates their challenges.


ACT is designed to assist patients to accept and move through difficult emotions, thoughts, body sensations, life events, past traumas, and unexpected challenges without implementing avoidant strategies.

By helping patients to understand that there is a cost to avoiding painful thoughts, feelings, body sensations, traumas, grief/loss, and all of life’s unexpected challenges, they are encouraged to develop a new and compassionate
relationship with those experiences.


Patients will learn six core processes to help them progress to develop psychological flexibility:

  1. Cognitive Defusion – The process of learning to notice the process of thought rather than getting caught up in the content.
  2. Experiential Acceptance –
    The process of practicing non-judgmental awareness of internal and external events.
  3. Present Moment – The process of becoming acquainted with sensory experiences in the present moment.
  4. Self as Context – The process of contacting the ‘observing self,’ a part of oneself that is able to witness thoughts, feelings, and actions at any moment.
  5. Values – The process of defining what is most important to an individual in their life.
  6. Committed Action – The process of taking steps toward valued goals while experiencing uncomfortable feelings and thoughts.
What to Expect

Patients will develop a mindfulness that recognizes ways in which their attempts to suppress, manage, and control emotional experiences creates their challenges.

The core processes help patients learn how to regulate their nervous system to tone down previous distress by taking the time to pay attention to observing their thoughts by:

  • recognizing that there are some things that are out of their control and to make decisions that help them focus on their actions instead of focusing on the struggle.
  • learning how to be grounded and to develop a platform of awareness that helps free themselves from previously held beliefs about themselves.
  • establishing behaviors that steer their purpose and direction and help enable decision making that can result in a richer and more vibrant future.
  • committing to the valued action, rather than the outcome, can bring them greater vitality.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a skills-based therapy that works to increase a person’s ability to see “gray” areas or dialectics (the idea that two opposing thoughts/feelings can be true at the same time).


DBT teaches people how to increase mindfulness, develop healthy ways to cope with stress/overwhelm, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with self and others. The main goal of DBT is to help people create “a life worth living.”

What to Expect

Patients will work through modules that focus on:

  • Mindfulness
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

As a result, patients will be able to integrate the learned skills into their daily experiences. Patients will find that they will eventually be able to recognize their positive attributes and overcome “all-or-nothing” thinking and feel more comfortable trying out different ways of behaving and interacting with others.

Movement & Recovery Oriented Action

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This group helps participants check in with current emotions and sensations. A broadly understood and respected curriculum called “Seeking Safety” is used as a basis for the group. It is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse without requiring clients to delve into their own trauma narrative that may mean reliving disturbing trauma memories.


This group is meant to reinforce skills learned in previous levels of care and deepen patient’s ability to implement skills in everyday life.

What to Expect

The first 30 minutes of this group are spent moving your body and learning to practice safe embodiment. After movement concludes, the group checks in regarding their movement reflections, emotions and physical sensations. Open space is then given for sharing assignments and processing. In the second half of the group, we review a skill that you will be encouraged to practice over the weekend.

Creative Arts Therapy for Integration

This group utilizes creative modalities such as dance/movement therapy, therapeutic art making, meditation and writing to deepen understanding of content explored in other groups. At times this group pulls from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values work, Internal Family Systems Parts Work and Self-Compassion principles.


The group integrates therapeutic skills in new creative ways to deepen the mind/body/spirit connection.

What to Expect

This group starts with a short meditation and check-in. Then, the group will be invited to review or learn a new therapeutic concept. This same concept will be explored through movement, writing, experiential learning or art making. Time will be given at the end to share reflections or art pieces.

Healthy Relationships / Attachment Groups

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This group is designed to explore current relationships and attachment styles to help patients who may be distressed in various aspects of their relationships or who perhaps avoid close relationships. Group facilitators gather information about attachment styles as learned from parents and caregivers and reflect on the role of self-esteem and learned communications styles.


The goal is to help patients think about their own attachment style and help them establish healthy relationships with others and set boundaries while learning to identify what the current boundaries they have established within their own relationships.

What to Expect

Using a series of worksheets that serve as a basis for identifying attachment styles, patients begin to understand the role of learned behaviors going back to their childhood. Patients will learn how to recognize relationship patterns, manage anxiety over abandonment concerns, and understand how to identify and utilize their own personal values to pursue and maintain healthier relationships.


Psychodrama is an experiential therapy that helps patients explore issues by acting out events from their past. By incorporating aspects of role-playing, dramatic self-presentation, and group dynamics, patients gain a greater understanding and insight into their lives and experiences.

Many patients believe that it is the perfect technique to get to the root of some of their deepest issues leading up to the heightened point of their struggle.


Multiple studies have found that psychodrama is effective in helping patients with trauma and specifically PTSD by helping participants improve their feelings of safety, self-image and ability to cope.

Patients utilize exercises to integrate both the mind and the body’s experiences as we encourage them to check in with their body first to inform them of their emotions. During the therapeutic process, patients learn about triggers and how to control negative thoughts or behaviors moving forward.

What to Expect

Within a Psychodrama session, participants work with the theory of “working from the body up.” This kinetic technique encourages patients to utilize the prompt of thinking about an unresolved issue in their life – often one that if they could go back and redo in some way, would help them to have some closure.

In using the body memory from a past event, patients can narrow in on what emotions and negative responses are affecting them the most, and then how to negotiate around them should they arise in the future.

After their story has been re-visited, patients often feel a catharsis and relief. For some, it gives them the impetus to move forward and make a dramatic change in a relationship, and for others, it is enough closure for them to leave that raw spot behind.

Expressive Writing / Artistic Expression

This group utilizes creative prompts to explore unconscious imagery through writing/exploration with an emphasis on examining ways to enhance problem-solving, seeking out creative solutions to barriers and struggles, and exploring alternative endings to an area in life that has led to undue suffering.


The goal of this modality is to silence the inner critic, nurture creative expression, and to build confidence with powerful peer support. By offering a judgment-free space for tears, giggles and ah-ha moments patients have an opportunity to overcome obstacles that have held them back through the art of words.

What to Expect

Led by a certified writing coach and trauma-informed yoga teacher, patients begin with a guided meditation that leads into a writing prompt, offering about 10 minutes to free flow pen to paper. Then the group circles back to share and receive “Gateless” feedback.

The “Gateless Method” is based on the science of neuroplasticity, to carve new pathways in the brain through positive reinforcement. Patients will learn how to silence the inner critic, nurture creative expression, and build confidence with powerful peer support.

Guided Meditation

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Guided meditation allows patients to develop and practice strengthening mindfulness skills. This group incorporates a variety of therapist-led mindfulness/meditation exercises that help patients slow down, be in the present moment, experience being grounded in one’s body, and experience physiological relaxation. Mindfulness promotes a non-judgmental stance to thoughts, feelings, and sensations while remaining focused on “the now.”


The goal is to practice mindfulness skills that will allow patients to remain present in the moment while accepting their changing thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By dedicating time to practicing these skills with a therapist, patients will be more readily able to access these skills to cope with challenging situations or distressing thoughts or emotions (such as anxiety). This group is also used as a helpful time to allow clients to check in with their bodies and engage in relaxation skills to better reduce physical tension in a safe space.

What to Expect

During guided meditation group, patients can expect to participate in a variety of mindfulness practices, including guided imagery meditations that encourage non-judgmental observation of thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations; mindful breathing exercises that encourage gentle awareness of one’s breath while practicing deep diaphragmatic breathing; and mindful movement to assist with engaging in slow, deliberate body movements to reduce tension and promote increased awareness of one’s physical sensations in the present moment. Patients can expect to participate in discussions before and after the guided meditation.

CBT & Weekend Planning

Weekends are time away from our 5-days per week schedule. In anticipation of the time away, we help patients plan for the upcoming weekend to maintain their mental health and wellbeing.


With weekends offering free time, the goal of the planning is to help patients develop coping skills and self-care regimens to help them maintain their mental health and wellbeing during these “down times.” By anticipating the times away from the program through this activity, the objective of planning these unscheduled hours helps patients engage in reshaping and reframing cognitive distortions and irrational thoughts associated with their negative critic.

What to Expect

Patients will participate by sharing their weekend plans as well as any potential obstacles they may foresee. They complete worksheets to identify adaptive skills in managing their distress or emotional dysregulation outside of programming. If they are struggling to identify their weekend plans, some patients may choose to go on a mindful walk to the beach to create a shift in their environment.

Somatic Integration – Calming the Nervous System

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Somatic integration incorporates the mind, body, and spirit into therapeutic healing work to tap into the wisdom of the body through experiential practices. Through the exploration of mindful movement, patients release tensions in the joints and shake out stress.


As an alternative to verbal resolution to stress, this therapy aims to help release a patient’s physical stress, tension, and trauma held onto by the body.

What to Expect

Patients can expect to learn ways to calm the nervous system and self-regulate.
They are invited to reflect on past stressful experiences and explore ways to pivot from default reactions or unhealthy patterns into healthier options in the future.

Patients share and receive positive feedback and support and are encouraged to apply somatic integration tools like grounding in present time, balanced breathing, and enjoyable physical movement to help create sustainable tools for long-term mental health and quality well-being.

Supportive Lunch

This is a staff lead catered meal where the group has an opportunity to practice mindful eating. Each patient has the opportunity to order from a catering menu at the beginning of the week, and meals are delivered daily for PHP.


Patients are encouraged to practice mindful eating and not use technology at the table. Each individual is encouraged to finish their entree and are provided eating disorder informed meal support if appropriate.

What to Expect

During the meal, the staff member will lead table games and neutral conversation throughout the meal. Redirection is provided by staff around conversations regarding diet, weight, body image or trauma sensitive topics. Staff members are able to provide encouragement and one on one support for those in recovery from an eating disorder.

Sound Bath

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A sound bath is a meditative experience that involves lying down in a comfortable position while being surrounded by various soothing sounds and vibrations, typically created by instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and other percussion instruments. During a sound bath, the person leading the session will play these instruments in a specific sequence, creating a relaxing atmosphere and helping to calm the mind and body.


Sound baths help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promote relaxation and better sleep, and enhance overall well-being. Many people find sound baths to be a deeply therapeutic and rejuvenating experience.

What to Expect

In a sound bath, you can expect to lie down or sit comfortably in a peaceful environment while being surrounded by soothing sounds and vibrations created by instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes.  You may be asked to close your eyes and focus on your breath or any sensations you feel in your body. The sound bath is typically around 30-60 minutes long. After the sound bath, you may feel a sense of deep relaxation, reduced stress, and improved mental clarity.


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Breathwork for mental health involves using specific breathing techniques to improve emotional, physical, and mental well-being. This practice typically involves deep, intentional breathing exercises that are designed to help release tension, increase relaxation, and improve focus.

Breathwork has been used as a complementary therapy for a variety of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. It is thought to help regulate the nervous system, reduce stress, and improve emotional regulation.


The goal of breathwork is to help individuals improve their mental, emotional, and physical well-being by using specific breathing techniques. By practicing breathwork, individuals can learn to regulate their breathing patterns and promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and enhance overall emotional regulation.

What to Expect

You may be guided to breathe in a particular way, such as through your nose or mouth, or to focus on certain parts of your body as you inhale and exhale. Some breathwork sessions may include guided visualizations or meditation to help enhance the overall experience.

It’s common to experience physical sensations during a breathwork session, such as tingling, warmth, or a sense of lightness in the body. You may also experience emotional release or feelings of inner peace and relaxation.

It’s important to wear comfortable clothing and bring any items that will help you relax, such as a cushion or blanket. It’s also recommended to avoid eating a heavy meal before the session and to hydrate well beforehand.

Overall, a breathwork session can be a deeply relaxing and transformative experience that promotes a sense of balance and well-being in the mind and body.


I am not just renewed. I AM NEW. I am found new in this freedom that breaking up the trauma has brought. I feel a true sense of clarity and oneness to the highest degree ever in my life. I was able to fully fall into trust with Lido Wellness Center and your clinicians. I was mightily impressed by the overall integrity, clinical and administrative competencies. You instilled such confidence in me about the paths and processes that lead to deep healing. I leave better and strengthened on all levels.

- Alumni, Lido Wellness Center

Going to Lido Wellness Center gave me a second chance at life. It equipped me with the tools and resources necessary to live my life the best way I can. I wouldn’t trade my time at Lido for anything. It was priceless to me and I’ll carry it with me for the rest of my life. I’m eternally grateful to the team I had around me that was dedicated to my recovery.

- Alumnus, Lido Wellness Center

Lido Wellness Center saved my life. I am endlessly grateful for the knowledgeable, empathetic, and supportive staff members that truly went above and beyond to provide a safe space to heal. Each staff member showed me kindness like I had never experienced before, and believed in me even when I was struggling to believe in myself. It is clear that the Lido Wellness Center team genuinely cares about every individual that walks through those doors, both during treatment and beyond through alumni services. Choosing to fully dive deep into treatment at Lido was one of the hardest and most rewarding decisions I have ever made, and I am now living a life that I never thought was possible.

- Alumnus, Lido Wellness Center

Find out more about Lido Wellness Center

Sometimes life puts us on a course that we recognize is not healthy and is preventing us from living the life we had imagined. We understand that reaching out is often difficult. Fill out the form below to find out more about our facility and how we can help you.
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