So often in our lives, we are looking for a quick fix to reduce our stress levels. We search for what is going to help us feel better fast. We turn to the internet, to google, to our friends and maybe even our therapists for answers. We want relief and we want it now. We are willing to try any coping skill or read any book that will bring us closer to feeling good. What if I told you that the answers to what would provide the most opportunity for joy and relief was already inside of you? Our own internal source of goodness. It’s what I like to call, your soul self. And you may be in need of soul healing.
What Is a Soul?
Each and every person has a soul. We are born with it. As children, it was easy for us to listen to our soul selves and what brought us joy. It is reinforced for children to pursue joy through imagination, play and adventure. As we get older, we are taught to value different things. Work, success, relationships, and accomplishments become the focus of our attention. We start to forget how to play.
It doesn’t seem as important as paying the bills, saving for a house or getting that next promotion. We become stressed. Our soul selves start to grow quieter, and we are less connected to the things that bring us true joy.
Take a minute and think about the last time you felt truly joyful and alive. What were some of the components that made up this day? Who did you experience this joy with? What was the scenery? What activities did you participate in? Try and imagine it again as vividly as you can. This is a soul moment. Soul moments give us so much information on what truly sparks joy for us.
Soul Healing With Soul Moments
When I picture a soul moment, I think of a recent visit to the beach with my mother. She was visiting from out of town. We sat in the warm sand of Corona Del Mar after brunch and watched the water. I felt so happy to be spending time with her, the weather was perfect and being connected to nature together was such a treat. Childlike wonder washed over us both as dolphins began to appear dancing in the waves. We giggled and shouted for joy. I cherish this memory. It gave me some deep soul healing.
Soul moments make our lives worth living. Soul moments replenish us when we are feeling drained. I find the more we are able to identify soul moments, the more we are able to feel life giving emotions such as joy and gratitude.
Permission to Play
As adults, we may need to give ourselves more permission to explore, play or rest. This permission could allow for further soul moments to unfold. If you are having trouble with where to start, consider what brought you joy as a child. Our inner child has so much to offer when it comes to pursuing soul moments. For example, when I was young, I loved taking walks in the woods, looking for animals and giant leaves. As an adult, this might translate to going for a hike or visiting a national park.
Keep a Soul Record
Try recording some of your soul healing moments in a journal to look back upon. We need these records when darker days come along; a reminder that life is good and joy is attainable. In April, Lido Wellness Center is honoring stress awareness month. A soul moment could be just what you need to feel better and decrease your adult stress.
So, this month, consider consulting your soul or your inner child for guidance. Go from there. Find your own adventure and let your soul guide you to cultivating more joy. You might find the simple action of recalling yours brings you some relief. From my soul to yours – enjoy the journey!
Lido Wellness Center offers counseling, partial hospitalization (PHP for mental health), and intensive outpatient programs for mental health assistance. If you are struggling with mental illness or just need to figure some things out, call us today.
Amy VanBecelaere, LCPC, R-DMT
Primary Therapist