Author Archives: Lisa Jane

Lido Wellness Center Blog

What Causes Borderline Personality Disorder?

March 26, 2024

In the world of mental health, understanding is the first step toward healing. Today, we delve into the complex, multifaceted world of borderline personality disorder (BPD). First and foremost, we want to cover what causes borderline personality disorder. But we also want to get into its everyday reality, and the path toward managing it.

What Causes Borderline Personality Disorder?

If BPD were a landscape, it would be both stormy and beautiful, a place where emotions run deep and the quest for stability is ongoing.

Our psychological makeup is not simply black and white. It comes from multiple threads—genetic material, life experiences, and our interactions with the world. Borderline Personality Disorder, emerges when the tapestry is woven under particular conditions—sometimes involving genetic predispositions, sometimes through environmental factors like trauma or unstable relationships during formative years, and often, a combination of both.

Root of BPD

So what causes borderline personality disorder? Scientifically speaking, there isn’t a single cause for BPD. It’s like a stew with several key ingredients. Here is a collection of factors that could cause borderline personality disorder.

  • Genetic Predisposition: Family history of BPD or other mental health disorders increases risk.
  • Brain Structure and Function: Changes in areas of the brain that control emotions and decision-making might contribute to BPD symptoms.
  • Neurotransmitter Issues: Imbalances in neurotransmitters, including serotonin, could play a role.
  • Environmental Factors:
    • Traumatic Life Events: Experiences of abuse, neglect, or abandonment during childhood.
    • Unstable Family Relationships: Growing up in a family environment marked by conflict, instability, or invalidation.
  • Early Attachment Issues: Problems with bonding and attachment in early development can impact emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships later in life.
  • Cognitive Factors: Ways of thinking that might make a person more prone to experiencing intense emotions or fears of abandonment.
  • Social Factors: Bullying, social isolation, or societal discrimination can exacerbate vulnerabilities to developing BPD.
  • Stressful Life Events: Significant life changes or stressful events can trigger the onset in susceptible individuals.Top of Form

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What Does Borderline Personality Disorder Feel Like?

To understand what BPD feels like, imagine living in a world where your emotional thermostat is turned up to the highest setting. Emotional sensitivity is a trait many with BPD share; they feel emotions more intensely and for longer periods. It’s as if their emotional skin is thinner than most, exposing them to the harsh elements of the world in ways others might not understand.

Joy, pain, love, fear—every emotion is felt with overwhelming intensity. Relationships are the roller coasters in this world, marked by a profound fear of abandonment that can lead to intense, unstable connections with others. It’s a challenging way to navigate life, often misunderstood by those on the outside.

When Does BPD Develop?

BPD typically makes its presence known in adolescence or early adulthood, a time when life is already a whirlwind of change. It’s a crucial period for identity formation, and for those with BPD, the quest for self can be particularly tough.

This doesn’t mean that symptoms suddenly appear out of nowhere; they might have been simmering beneath the surface, becoming more noticeable as one navigates the complex social landscapes of young adulthood.

What Are the symptoms to look for?

BPD manifests in diverse ways, but common threads include a pattern of unstable relationships, a wavering sense of self, impulsive actions, and a roller coaster of emotional states.

It’s important to remember, though, that BPD looks different in everyone. The disorder wears many masks, and understanding the person beneath is key to providing support.

Is There a Test for BPD?

Diagnosing BPD isn’t as straightforward as a blood test or a simple questionnaire. It involves a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional, who looks at the pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors over time. It’s a process of understanding the whole person, not just ticking boxes on a checklist.

Can BPD Be Cured?

“Cure” is a loaded word. When it comes to BPD, the journey is more about management and recovery than a definitive end point. Therapies like Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teach skills to manage emotions, navigate relationships, and find stability in the self. With the right combination of therapy, possibly medication, and support, individuals with BPD can lead fulfilling lives. Life with borderline personality disorder can be joyful again, filled with normal life events and relationships.

The reality of what causes borderline personality disorder is complex. However, learing about it creates a rich opportunity with the potential for growth. There will certainly be storms, but also moments of profound beauty and understanding.

Let’s Talk About Help for BPD

Navigating the turbulent waters of Borderline Personality Disorder can feel overwhelming, but at Lido Wellness Center in Newport Beach, we believe in a journey of healing anchored in understanding, compassion, and the latest in therapeutic advancements. If you or a loved one are wrestling with the complexities of BPD, let’s explore this landscape together. Our dedicated team offers personalized care that addresses the unique tapestry of your life, integrating therapies like Dialectical Behavior Therapy to help manage emotions, build relationships, and find your balance. Don’t walk this path alone; Lido Wellness is here to guide you toward a horizon of hope and healing. Reach out today, and let’s embark on this journey together.

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Lido Wellness Center Blog

The Need for Mental Health IOP in Orange County

March 24, 2024

Mental health challenges have been on the rise, with the stresses of modern life, economic pressures, and the aftermath of public health crises taking a toll. In Orange County, as in many parts of the world, there’s a growing recognition of the need for comprehensive mental health services that are both effective and adaptable to individuals’ lives. A Mental Health IOP in Orange County can serve as a critical bridge between traditional outpatient therapy and inpatient care, offering intensive support without the need for a residential stay.

What Research Says About Mental Health IOP Effectiveness

Studies have shown that Mental Health IOPs are effective in treating a variety of disorders, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. A systematic review published in the American Journal of Psychiatry noted that patients participating in IOPs demonstrated significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life. These programs provide structured therapeutic interventions, including psychotherapy, medication management, and support groups, tailored to each individual’s needs.

Selecting the Right Mental Health IOP: Considerations for Orange County Residents

  • Location Convenience: Accessibility is paramount. For residents of Orange County’s diverse communities, from densely populated areas to quieter suburbs, the ease of reaching a Mental Health IOP can be crucial for sustained engagement and success.
  • Accreditation and Expertise: Ensuring that a facility has accreditation from reputable bodies, such as the Joint Commission, offers peace of mind regarding the quality of care and the professionalism of the staff. The expertise in treating specific mental health issues can also guide your choice, ensuring personalized and effective treatment.
  • Comprehensive and Tailored Treatment Plans: Effective Mental Health IOPs provide a range of therapeutic options tailored to individual diagnoses and needs. This might include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and specialized groups for managing specific challenges such as grief, trauma, or stress.
  • Adaptable Scheduling: Many individuals seeking treatment have commitments to work, education, or family. IOPs in Orange County often offer flexible scheduling, including evening and weekend sessions, to ensure that treatment is accessible without significant disruption to daily life.

The Role of Community and Support

A robust support system enhances the efficacy of Mental Health IOP treatment. The integration of family therapy sessions, when appropriate, and access to peer support groups can foster a sense of community and belonging, which is vital for long-term recovery. Encouragement and understanding from peers and loved ones can be incredibly motivating and healing.

Choosing Between Inpatient and Outpatient Mental Health Care

The decision between inpatient and outpatient mental health care hinges on a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s condition, the severity of symptoms, and the level of support available outside of treatment. While inpatient care provides an immersive, structured environment for those in acute crisis, Mental Health IOPs offer flexibility and intensity without complete removal from daily life, suitable for those with stable living situations and less severe symptoms.

The Path Forward with Mental Health IOP

Mental Health IOPs represent a vital component of the mental health care continuum, especially for those seeking to balance treatment with life’s obligations. Facilities like LIDO Wellness Center in Orange County are dedicated to providing this critical service, offering hope and practical solutions for individuals struggling with mental health challenges. With a focus on personalized care, accessibility, and the support of a compassionate community, Mental Health IOPs stand as a beacon for those navigating the complexities of mental health recovery, offering a path forward that respects the individuality of each person’s journey.

Final Thoughts

The journey to recovery is highly personal and varies from one individual to another. Facilities like LIDO Wellness Center in Orange County are dedicated to providing personalized IOP treatments that respect the individual’s daily life commitments while offering the support and care necessary for recovery. As the landscape of mental health treatment continues to evolve, IOPs stand out as a vital option for those seeking a balance between treatment and life obligations.

Adding these considerations and statistics provides a comprehensive view of IOP treatment, especially tailored to individuals in Orange County, underlining the importance of accessible, high-quality care in the journey towards recovery.

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Lido Wellness Center Blog

Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder

March 11, 2024

In the wide range of human personality, there’s a bit of a spectrum that expands from the quietly introspective to the vibrantly expressive. Somewhere along this spectrum lies a pattern of behavior that can be as bewildering as it is flamboyant: Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD). Here we explore what it is and some of the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder.

Histrionic Disorder as Center

Histrionic Personality Disorder is like a dance performed under the bright lights of the stage, where every step, every twirl is an effort to capture and hold the gaze of the audience. It’s a condition characterized by a deep-seated need for attention, colorful and often dramatic expressions of emotion, and an ability to charm that can be as dazzling as it is disarming.

Those with HPD are the storytellers, the heart of the party, yet behind the sequins and the smiles, there’s a profound fear of being ignored or forgotten.

Histrionic Disorder Symptoms

But what does this look like in the day-to-day life of a person? Imagine someone who, even in the quietest moments, needs “more.” More color, more drama, more everything. They’re often perceived as insincere or shallow, not because they lack depth, but because their intense emotions can seem overwhelming or unfocused. Their relationships might be a carousel of highs and lows, marked by a constant search for approval and affection.

Here’s a List of Potential Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder :

  1. Constantly Seeking Reassurance or Approval: An unyielding desire for others to acknowledge and affirm them.
  2. Excessive Emotionality: Demonstrating emotions that are exaggerated and often rapidly shifting, more theatrical than genuine.
  3. Inappropriately Seductive or Provocative Behavior: Engaging in behaviors or appearances that are designed to draw attention, often in sexually suggestive ways, regardless of the appropriateness of the context.
  4. Overly Concerned with Physical Appearance: A preoccupation with looks and perceived attractiveness, often to the point of obsessiveness, believing that physical appearance is their key to being noticed.
  5. Perceiving Relationships as More Intimate Than They Are: Misinterpreting or exaggerating the depth of relationships, thinking of acquaintances as “best friends” or describing casual interactions as deeply meaningful.
  6. Highly Suggestible: Easily influenced by others or by current trends, showing a low threshold for conformity under social pressure or persuasion.
  7. Difficulty Achieving Emotional Intimacy: Despite a flamboyant and open demeanor, there’s often a shallow emotional experience and a struggle to form genuine, deep emotional connections.
  8. Use of Physical Appearance to Draw Attention to Self: This can include dressing provocatively or exhibiting behaviors specifically designed to make themselves the center of attention.
  9. Dramatic, Theatrical Speech: Expressing emotions in an exaggerated fashion, with speech that lacks detail and is more geared towards creating an impression than conveying facts.
  10. Easily Frustrated by Lack of Attention: Demonstrating irritability or discomfort when they are not the center of attention or when others are receiving recognition.
  11. Manipulative Behavior to Meet Own Needs: Utilizing emotional manipulation or dramatic flair to influence the behavior of others to serve their own needs or desires.

How Can You Tell if Someone Has Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Can you test for HPD? Unlike checking for a fever with a thermometer, understanding HPD involves a more nuanced approach. Mental health professionals use criteria outlined by the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) to diagnose HPD, relying on a combination of interviews, observations, and sometimes psychological testing to paint a comprehensive picture of a person’s emotional landscape.

Now, you might wonder, is there a crossover with narcissism? Yes and no. While both HPD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder thrive on the sunlight of attention, they bask in it for different reasons. The narcissist seeks admiration to feed their grandiose self-view, while the histrionic seeks validation of their worth and existence.

It’s like comparing two different flowers in the garden of personality disorders; both need the sun, but they bloom in their own unique ways.

Treating Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Can HPD be treated? The answer is a hopeful yes. Treatment is a path walked together with a therapist, often involving psychotherapy to explore the roots of emotional expression and to develop healthier ways of relating to oneself and others. It’s about learning to see oneself not as a performer on the stage of life, needing constant applause, but as a person of worth, even in the silence.

IOP for Histrionic Personality Disorder

This is where an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for mental health can be quite effective. An IOP offers a structured yet flexible environment where individuals can engage in therapy while continuing with their daily lives. For someone with HPD, it offers a space to explore their emotions, understand their need for attention, and learn healthier ways to seek connection and validation. It’s a journey from seeking the spotlight to finding the light within, from performing for love to being loved for who they are.

In the end, Histrionic Personality Disorder is not a label to be feared or shunned. It’s a call to understand, to empathize, and to support. It’s about helping individuals find their true colors, not just the bright ones they wear for the world to see.

In the heart of someone with HPD lies a deep need for connection, a yearning to be seen and loved for who they truly are. And in this journey of understanding and healing, there’s a place for all of us to offer compassion, support, and a listening ear. After all, isn’t that what being human is all about?

Do you have more questions about HPD and how to treat it? Call Lido Wellness today. Our team of professionals are ready to offer insight and a potential path for treatment. Call: 949-541-8466.

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Lido Wellness Center Blog

Depression Treatment Center Orange County

March 8, 2024

LIDO Wellness Center is a leading anxiety and depression treatment center that works with individuals suffering from all forms of anxiety and depression. Our team has the depth of experience and knowledge to properly evaluate your individual condition, make an accurate diagnosis, and create an effective treatment plan that is tailor-made for you. We use only evidence-based therapies at our treatment center. Our warm and caring environment will also help you on your way to reconnection and renewal.

What to Expect at Our Depression Treatment Center Orange County?

When it comes to treatment for depression, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The severity of an individual depression dictates how their treatment will unfold. A comprehensive admission process helps us gather enough details about you and your condition in order to make a proper diagnosis. Once you have been diagnosed, our professionals work together to determine the appropriate level of care and mental health treatment approach that is right for your individual need.

Our personalized treatment plans focus on treatment options that may include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Alternative approaches
  • Psychiatric medication
  • Group therapy
  • Aftercare plan

Therapies We Use to Treat Depression 

Many types of therapy have been used to effectively treat people who are struggling with depression. At our Depression Treatment Center Orange County, your personalized plan will include several therapeutic modalities and evidence-based therapies. These therapies can help make it easy to process your experience, make vital lifestyle changes, develop healthier coping skills, and learn more about depression and recovery.

Depending on your individual needs, this therapy may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing. These therapies and principles will be incorporated into different sessions. If your depression and anxiety treatment team determines that you can benefit from medication, it can also be included in your treatment plan.

Why Choose LIDO Wellness Center for Treating Depression?

It is quite common for signs of depression to be misdiagnosed for other forms of disorders such as bipolar disorder, dementia, or even conditions like ADD/ADHD. Getting the wrong diagnosis equates to getting the wrong treatment, and this can make your symptoms worse, keeping you in a plunging spiral. At LIDO Wellness Center, our professionals have the knowledge and experience to distinguish depression from other health conditions and identify any co-existing problems that also need treatment.

Our experience has taught us that depression is not a simple or single disorder, and the same medication won’t work for everyone suffering from depression. Based on our examination, we can better determine how you’ll respond to treatment and get well faster. We also offer detox treatment programs for people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Once you complete your treatment program, our team will also put in place an aftercare plan to ensure you are able to continue your recovery after walking out of our door.

Turn Your Life Around Today

If you or a loved one is in need of a depression treatment center Orange County to help with your depression, LIDO Wellness Center has the treatment facility that is right for you. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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