Monthly Archives: June 2023

A woman standing alone on an empty road, with a reflection of herself in a puddle, symbolizing the disconnection and self-reflection experienced during a dissociative fugue state triggered by stress or trauma.

How Stress and Trauma Can Trigger a Fugue State

Have you ever found yourself lost or confused about your whereabouts, without any recollection of how you got to where you currently are? If so, then there is a chance that you have experienced a dissociative fugue state. This rare condition refers to a temporary disarray in the mind that can often cause amnesia, confusion, or identity issues.

What is a fugue state?

During a fugue state, a person may unexpectedly and temporarily lose their autobiographical memory, personal identity, and awareness of their past. They may also engage in impulsive travel or wandering.

They may suddenly leave their home or workplace, travel to a new location, and assume a new identity or adopt a different name. They often have no recollection of their previous life, including their personal relationships, responsibilities, or events that occurred prior to the fugue state. This state of dissociation can be perplexing and disorienting for both the individual experiencing it and those around them.

Stress, Trauma, and Dissociative Fugue States

Although researchers continue to explore the core triggers behind the onset of a fugue state, most psychologists today believe that high-stress levels and trauma are often the root cause. However, this is hardly a surprise. Stress and trauma significantly impact our mental health and often lie at the center of various mental health conditions that most people face today.

When we come face-to-face with overwhelming levels of stress or trauma, such as sexual assault or the violent loss of a loved one, our brain may choose to react in one of many ways. Sometimes, people become flooded with anger or despair in the face of this intense trauma, while others may become lost in incoming waves of depression.

However, in some cases, some people take a more mysterious path. If our mind believes that facing this trauma head-on may be too overwhelming, it may completely disconnect from the situation as a way of protecting itself. This disassociation is often so powerful that the person who experienced the trauma does not only disconnect from this event but also their core identity.

So, while this level of disassociation may vary from person to person, people that experience a fugue state may go as far as taking on a newborn persona during this period. This disassociation allows us to forget this overwhelming trauma or stress and continue to live a life of blissful ignorance.

Stress Management to Control Fugue State

While it is rare for anyone to experience fugue states, some may battle constant episodes of this condition.

There are various ways to manage a dissociative fugue state, such as stress management or trauma support. These psychological methods help you get back in the driving seat of life by teaching you healthy coping mechanisms you can rely on when facing high-stress levels.

These adaptive strategies should make it easier to maintain control of your life and reduce the chances of slipping into a fugue state.

  1. Therapy: Engaging in therapy, particularly with a mental health professional experienced in treating dissociative disorders, can be crucial in preventing fugue states. Different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or trauma-focused therapy, may be utilized to address underlying trauma, improve coping mechanisms, and develop strategies to manage stress.
  2. Stress management: Learning effective stress management techniques can be beneficial in reducing the likelihood of dissociative episodes. This may include practicing relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, engaging in regular physical exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and identifying and managing stress triggers.
  3. Self-care and support: Prioritizing self-care activities, such as getting sufficient sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, can contribute to overall emotional well-being and resilience. Building a support network of trusted friends, family, or support groups can also provide a sense of connection and assistance during challenging times.
  4. Addressing trauma: If the fugue state is associated with past trauma, seeking specialized trauma-focused therapy can be helpful in processing and resolving the underlying traumatic experiences. Therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) can assist in healing trauma-related wounds and reducing the risk of dissociative episodes.

Help for Dissociative Disorders in Newport Beach

Dissociative fugue is considered to be one subtype of dissociative disorders, which also include dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, and depersonalization/derealization disorder. If you want to talk to someone about your options for IOP treatment in Newport Beach for fugue state triggers, call Lido Wellness today. Our experienced team is ready to help you understand your options and give you the help you need for the next step in your journey.

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A smiling man with outstretched arms, basking in the sun, symbolizing the uplifting effects of depression treatment in Newport Beach.

Depression Treatment Newport Beach


LIDO Wellness Center offers unsurpassed bipolar treatment in Newport Beach using innovative and science-based therapies. Our therapists possess the highest educational training and clinical experience to help you overcome your mental health problems and attain improved psychological wellness.

Signs You Should Seek Depression Treatment in Newport Beach

Depression can occur in episodes. During a depressive episode, you may experience the symptoms for several hours a day, including:

  1. Experiencing feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, and hopelessness
  2. Angry outbursts, irritability, and frustration over tiny matters
  3. Loss of interest in performing everyday activities, hobbies, sports, sex, etc.
  4. Lack of sleep or sleeping for a long duration
  5. Tiredness and lack of energy
  6. Reduced appetite leading to weight loss or increased food cravings causing weight gain
  7. Anxiety, agitation or restlessness, etc.

Besides, individuals with depression also suffer from slow thinking, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, poor concentration, and suicidal thoughts. Seek help from one of the leading trauma treatment facilities at the earliest if you suffer from one or more depression symptoms.

How Can I Prevent Depression?

Unfortunately, there is no sure way to foresee depression and prevent it or prepare for it. The only way to safely manage or overcome depression is by signing up for a PTSD treatment program. However, you may take a few steps to maintain good mental health, such as:

  1. Control stress by practicing yoga or meditation regularly.
  2. Attend therapy to increase your resilience and boost your self-esteem.
  3. Reach out to friends and family during a crisis.
  4. Seek PTSD treatment in Orange County the moment you begin experiencing any signs of depression.

If you have been diagnosed with depression in the past, sign up for long-term maintenance treatment to prevent a relapse. Eat a well-balanced meal and engage in at least 20 minutes of physical exercise every day to preserve your physical and mental health.

Why Should I Seek Help For Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition that you should not take lightly. Leaving it untreated can take a terrible toll on you, your loved ones, and your quality of life. Not to mention, depression can get worse if you do not seek PTSD and trauma treatment in the early stages. Untreated depression can trigger additional emotional, behavioral, and health problems.

Seeking timely help for depression from one of the depression treatment centers in Newport Beach can help you overcome your mental health issue and help you lead a healthy, happy, and satisfying life. It can also prevent several health complications that would otherwise arise because of depression, including:

  • Excess weight gain or obesity
  • Heart disease and diabetes
  • Pain or physical illness
  • Alcohol or drug misuse
  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorder or social phobia
  • Family conflicts
  • Relationship struggles
  • Problems at work or school
  • Suicidal feelings, etc.

If you experience the symptoms of a mental health disorder, seek bipolar treatment in Newport Beach at the earliest to prevent adverse health implications. Leaving bipolar untreated can lead to problems like drug and alcohol abuse, suicidal behaviors, legal and financial troubles, damaged relationships, and poor performance at work and school.

Call LIDO Wellness Center at 949-541-8466 for a safe and successful recovery from your mental disorder.

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Man balancing atop a towering pillar of rocks, symbolizing the precarious nature and challenges of managing Antisocial Personality Disorder.

What’s a Sociopath? Get Help for Antisocial Personality Disorder

Sociopath is no longer an official diagnosis. The better term is antisocial personality disorder. Yes, it’s a bit of a mouthful, which is likely why you will hear people using sociopath in common culture. So, we are going to talk about what a sociopath is, but we will be calling it ASPD. For the purposes of this article, sociopath and antisocial personality disorder or ASPD will be used interchangeably.

*Note: the stigma around the term “sociopath” in culture is strong. When discussing a person with a mental health disorder, it is important to avoid describing anyone displaying violent or manipulative behavior as “sociopaths” or “psychopaths.”

Whatever you call it, ASPD is a complex mental health personality disorder that, on the surface, looks like a complete disregard for societal norms and the rights of others.

We will dive deeper into ASPD and consider the causes, signs, dangers, and treatment options. The goal is always to find the best path to health for anyone struggling with a mental health disorder like antisocial personality disorder.

ASPD: Definition, Causes, and Signs

The term “sociopath” is taken from two Latin words. Socio means “ally,” but we can see it as stepping in for society. Path means suffering. A sociopath causes suffering to society.

When people suspect ASPD (or sociopathy), it’s usually because they see a lack of empathy, alongside impulsivity and manipulative behavior in a person. There may be consistent irresponsibility and a lack of guilt or shame for the actions that have caused harm. They seem like they don’t care about right and wrong (no conscience), and their actions are proof.

The causes of sociopathy are complex and not fully understood. They likely include genetic factors—such as a family history of antisocial personality disorder or other mental health disorders—and environmental influences, like childhood trauma or neglect.

Signs of ASPD

Antisocial Personality Disorder can pose significant dangers, particularly in close relationships. Some symptoms are not particularly dangerous on their own. Still, with a lack of remorse combined with aggression and impulsivity, a person can show a wide range of manipulation, verbal abuse, and even physical violence.

A person with ASDP may have difficulty forming genuine emotional connections. In a broader societal context, their disregard for laws and social etiquette can lead to conflicts with authority and potential legal issues.

Substance abuse is common among people with ASDP. The combination of symptoms creates a personality willing to explore illicit substances. Then on the other side, many drugs worsen aggression and impulsivity, which can create a volatile situation.

Identifying a person with ASDP can be challenging, as they often blend into society quite effectively. However, a pattern of deceitful behavior, persistent lying, exploiting others, violating social norms, and showing no guilt or remorse for such actions may suggest sociopathic tendencies.

Exploring Treatment Options for Sociopathy

Treating sociopathy is challenging but not impossible. While there’s no ‘cure,’ professional help can provide tools to manage the disorder and mitigate its impacts.

It might be a challenging prospect to get help for someone with ASPD. They are often unwilling or have little to no motivation to change their behaviors. But there is hope.

There are several approaches to the treatment and management of ASPD. It’s important to note that treatment should be individualized and conducted by qualified mental health professionals.

  1. Psychotherapy: This is often a central component of treatment. Various forms of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), may be used. The goal is to help the individual develop coping skills, learn to manage impulsivity and understand the impact of their behavior on others. CBT can help a person with antisocial personality disorder understand the consequences of their behavior and develop healthier ways of relating to others.
  2. Group Therapy: Sometimes, therapy is more effective in a group setting. Group therapy can provide a space for individuals with ASPD to interact with others with similar issues, sometimes making them more open to feedback and self-reflection.
  3. Medication: While no medications are specifically approved for treating ASPD, certain medications may be used to manage symptoms or co-occurring disorders. For example, mood stabilizers or antipsychotic medications might be used if the person has difficulty controlling aggression. Antidepressants may be used if the individual also has symptoms of depression.
  4. Substance Abuse Treatment: Because there is a high co-occurrence rate between ASPD and substance use disorders, treating any underlying substance abuse is often an important part of the management of ASPD. This can include detoxification, medication-assisted treatment, and counseling.

ASPD Treatment in Newport Beach

The best outcome for ASPD comes with consistent, long-term engagement with a person’s treatment plan. Motivation is an important factor for treating any mental health issue, so if you or your loved one suffering from ASPD chooses to ask for help, this is a positive first step.

Do you want to chat about ASPD with one of our mental health professionals? We are available to answer questions and offer guidance on your path to wellness. Call today: 949-503-9655.

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A serene desert landscape, with vast sandy dunes stretching into the distance, symbolizing the journey of navigating through suicidal thoughts towards hope and healing.

I’m Having Suicidal Thoughts: What Is Suicidal Ideation?

The hope is that we can live with purpose. We can find joy, and we can look forward to another day. But it is just not always the case. Some people have not had joy or happiness in so long that they feel like maybe it isn’t even a possibility. And it might even get to the point that they decide that there is so much pain; it is just better to try to stop it all. Suicidal thoughts, or contemplating suicide, is a serious mental health concern. It’s scary for the person having them and those who love them.

Understanding suicidal thoughts is a difficult prospect. But there are some ways you can reflect and inspect to find out where they might be coming from and recognize when they might become dangerous. As well as where to get help when things feel like they are at their worst.

*Please note: If you are thinking, “I have Suicidal Thoughts,” we want to help. But If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, reaching out to mental health professionals or trusted individuals in your life is crucial. Use crisis resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (dial 988 on your phone) or Crisis Text Line if immediate help is needed. Remember, it’s not a sign of weakness to seek help but a brave step toward healing.

Understanding Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal ideation is another way to talk about suicidal thoughts. It refers to thinking about self-harm, ranging from fleeting considerations to detailed plans.

There could be lots of reasons for a person to consider suicide. Some of the most common stem from chronic depression or anxiety. These conditions are overwhelming, and it seems like there is no way out or any hope. Stressful life events also may play a part, such as losing a job or a loved one. Trauma is also extremely painful and can impact a person daily, making someone feel trapped in a cage of their past.

Ultimately thoughts of suicide occur when despair, hopelessness, or unbearable pain feel like they are never going away. There is no way to cope with what is happening or what has happened, and the person feels they have no other options to alleviate their suffering.

Recognizing Suicide Danger

Suicidal ideation becomes more dangerous when passive thoughts become active plans or actions. Is there a plan in place? As well, have they lost or had protection removed? Protective measures are people who care about them or a safe environment to find the ability to self-soothe.

There are some other signs to look for:

Crisis: has there been a loss in their life or a traumatic event?

Previous attempts: previous attempts are a clear sign—especially if they were recent.

Mental health: are there other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, or personality disorders?

Access: do they have access to lethal means, e.g., Firearms or medications?

Help for Someone Who Says, “I’m Having Suicidal Thoughts”

Identifying signs of suicidal ideation in loved ones can be challenging. Look for changes in behavior, expressions of hopelessness, or references to death or suicide. Look for the above signs and notice if they spend their time in isolation.

But the most important is that they feel safe to talk to you. If you fear for someone’s life, ask them. Hiding from it or pretending it is not there creates more pain.

What do you ask? Keep it straightforward:

Ask: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”

Approaching a loved one who is experiencing suicidal thoughts requires compassion and care. Be ready to listen and offer nonjudgmental support. Make sure you have some resources available and options for professional help.

Treatment Options for Suicidal Ideation

Numerous treatment options exist for managing suicidal ideation. Psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, can help people build the skills to learn how to cope with these thoughts. Medications, particularly antidepressants, can be helpful for various mental health disorders.

In acute cases, an intervention may be necessary. This might include hospitalization or residential treatment programs. These provide a safe environment and intensive treatment to navigate the crisis.

Support networks such as family or friends that love the person are crucial. While mental health professionals offer necessary therapeutic interventions and support groups provide a space to share experiences and learn from others who’ve faced similar struggles, loved ones offer ongoing support, reminding the individual they are not alone.

Getting Help With Suicidal Thoughts

When someone is thinking of suicide or is afraid of their thoughts, it is time to take action. It is always a big deal and should be considered an emergency. Understanding when it is most dangerous is important, but even more, understanding the options for yourself or your loved one is vital. At Lido Wellness, we have professionals that can help. Again, if you are thinking of harming yourself right now, call 911 or the 988. But if you are scared of the underlying factors or see your despair getting deeper and deeper, please call Lido Wellness today. Recovery is possible. There is hope. Our team can help you find the path toward a life worth living with joy and purpose.

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