Monthly Archives: December 2023

tattered collage of childhood memories representing repressed childhood trauma

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

At Lido Wellness Center in Newport Beach, we often meet individuals seeking to understand the inexplicable patterns in their lives – fractured relationships, unexplainable anxieties, or an inner turmoil that seems to have no origin. These experiences may be whispers from a past that affect our present more than one might think. Repressed childhood trauma, a complex and often elusive adversary, can linger into adulthood, shaping behaviors, choices, and emotional health.

Here we will delve into the signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults and how understanding these can be the first step toward healing and personal growth at a mental health outpatient program like ours.

Unraveling Repressed Childhood Trauma

Repressed childhood trauma is akin to a shadow that follows you silently. It’s the result of the mind’s attempt to protect itself, burying painful memories deep within the subconscious. But, as with most buried things, they tend to resurface, often in unexpected and confusing ways.

The Signs

Repressed trauma doesn’t always knock on the door of our consciousness with clear memories. Instead, it often manifests in subtle, yet impactful signs:

  • Unexplained Emotional Outbursts: Sudden, intense emotions that seem disproportionate to the current situation may be echoes of a past unresolved trauma.
  • Difficulty in Relationships: If you find yourself repeatedly in tumultuous relationships, or if intimacy feels fraught with anxiety, it might be trauma influencing your attachment style.
  • Chronic Anxiety or Depression: While these can have various causes, they are also common responses to unresolved trauma, especially if no direct cause is discernible in your current life.
  • Dissociation: This feels like being disconnected from your body or emotions. It’s a defense mechanism, a form of psychological escape from reality, often developed in response to trauma.
  • Unexplained Physical Symptoms: Trauma can manifest physically in ways that evade medical explanations, such as chronic pain, fatigue, or gastrointestinal issues.
  • Fear of Abandonment: If you find yourself in constant fear of being left alone or rejected, it might be a sign of trauma affecting your sense of security.
  • Self-Sabotaging Behavior: Engaging in behaviors that are detrimental to your wellbeing, like substance abuse or self-harm, can be a way of coping with unresolved trauma.

Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma

Childhood, a time when the mind is malleable, is also when we’re most vulnerable to lasting impacts from traumatic experiences. Trauma during these formative years can fundamentally alter how we perceive the world, ourselves, and others.

One of the most profound impacts of repressed childhood trauma is seen in adult relationships. The patterns established early in life, often as survival strategies, can become maladaptive in adulthood, leading to a cycle of broken relationships and emotional turmoil.

Approaching Repressed Trauma

Healing from repressed childhood trauma is a journey that requires courage, patience, and professional guidance. At Lido Wellness Center, we believe in a holistic approach:

  • Acknowledgment: The first step is recognizing the possibility that your current struggles may be rooted in past trauma.
  • Therapy: Professional therapy is invaluable. Techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and talk therapy can help unearth and process repressed memories.
  • Support Groups: Sharing experiences with others who understand can be incredibly validating and healing.
  • Self-Care: Engaging in activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing is crucial in the healing process.

At Lido Wellness Center, we specialize in helping individuals unpack the baggage of their past. Our outpatient program is designed to provide the support and tools needed to navigate the complexities of repressed childhood trauma.

Healing from trauma is not about erasing the past but about reclaiming your story. It’s about understanding the why behind your emotions and behaviors, and gently rewriting the narrative of your life.

Finding a Future

Recognizing the signs of repressed childhood trauma is the first step towards a healthier, more aware self. At Lido Wellness Center, we are committed to walking this path with you, offering a safe space for healing and growth. Remember, the shadows of the past don’t have to define your future.

If you recognize these signs in yourself and are seeking help, contact Lido Wellness Center today. Let’s embark on this journey of healing together.

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A woman in a blurry social setting with subtly distorted features, visually representing Body Dysmorphia Symptoms and the feeling of disconnection in social environments.

Body Dysmorphia Symptoms

In a culture obsessed with mirror reflections and selfie perfection, there lurks a misunderstood and often hidden issue: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). It’s not just about being skinny or fat; it’s a complex mental health condition that distorts a person’s perception of their body, leading to significant distress. And there are various body dysmorphia symptoms that come along with it.

Understanding BDD

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is like living in a carnival mirror room, where the reflections are twisted and exaggerated. Individuals with BDD are preoccupied with perceived flaws in their appearance, often nonexistent or minor to others. It’s a relentless pursuit of an unattainable physical ideal, a mirage that keeps moving farther away the closer one gets. What are the common body dysmorphia symptoms?

Body Dysmorphia Symptoms

  1. Obsessive Focus on Perceived Flaws: Individuals may fixate on specific body parts – the nose, skin, hair, or overall body shape. It’s an endless loop of scrutiny and dissatisfaction.
  2. Compulsive Behaviors: Mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking, or seeking reassurance, these rituals are attempts to alleviate the distress but often reinforce the anxiety.
  3. Avoidance: Avoiding social situations, photographs, or mirrors due to intense self-consciousness.
  4. Emotional Turmoil: Feelings of shame, guilt, and intense distress about one’s appearance can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.

The Skinny-Fat Dichotomy Myth

BDD is not just a disorder of wanting to be skinnier or rejecting fatness. It’s a complex condition where the focus can be on any body part or perceived flaw, regardless of a person’s actual weight or shape. It’s a distorted self-image where the mind’s eye sees a vastly different picture than what’s in the mirror.

The dangers of BDD are profound. It can lead to social isolation, difficulties in relationships, and problems at work or school. The risk of developing eating disorders, substance abuse, and self-harm behaviors is significantly higher. The biggest danger, however, is the risk of suicide. The pain of living in a body perceived as deeply flawed can drive individuals to desperation.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Self-Assessment Test

Disclaimer: This test is not a diagnostic tool. It is designed to help you identify if you might have symptoms consistent with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Only a qualified healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis.

Please answer the following questions honestly:

  1. Preoccupation with Appearance
    • Do you find yourself excessively worried about a specific aspect of your appearance that others say is minor or non-existent?
  2. Repetitive Behaviors
    • Do you engage in behaviors like mirror checking, excessive grooming, or skin picking, related to your appearance concerns?
  3. Impact on Daily Life
    • Have your concerns about your appearance significantly impacted your social life, work, or daily activities?
  4. Emotional Distress
    • Do your concerns about your appearance cause you significant distress, anxiety, or depression?
  5. Avoidance
    • Do you tend to avoid social situations, photographs, or mirrors due to discomfort with your appearance?
  6. Time Consumption
    • Do you spend an hour or more every day thinking about your appearance flaw?
  7. Seeking Reassurance
    • Do you frequently seek reassurance about your appearance from others, but never feel satisfied with the responses?
  8. Past Interventions
    • Have you sought cosmetic procedures or constantly tried different treatments for your appearance concern with little satisfaction?


  • If you answered “Yes” to multiple questions, especially those related to preoccupation, distress, and impact on daily life, it may indicate body dysmorphia symptoms are present.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP): A Stepping Stone to Healing

Acknowledging the problem is the first step. Treatment for BDD often involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is particularly effective, helping to change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

For those needing more support than traditional therapy but not requiring inpatient care, IOPs are an ideal middle ground. These programs offer structured therapy while allowing individuals to live at home and maintain daily responsibilities.

  1. Group Therapy: IOPs often include group therapy, a space to share experiences and learn from others facing similar challenges.
  2. Individual Therapy: Tailored one-on-one sessions focus on specific issues, coping strategies, and personalized recovery goals.
  3. Family Therapy: Involving family members can provide a support system and help them understand the complexity of BDD.
  4. Holistic Approaches: Activities like yoga, meditation, and art therapy can enhance self-awareness and promote relaxation.

Recovery from BDD is a journey back to oneself. It’s about relearning to see beauty in the real, imperfect, and human. It’s about understanding that self-worth is not a reflection in a mirror but the light you bring to the world.

Get Help for Body Dysmorphia Symptoms in Newport Beach

If you recognize yourself in these words, remember, you are not alone in this battle. At our Newport Beach Mental Wellness Program, we understand the depth and complexity of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Our compassionate and experienced team is here to guide you on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Lido Wellness Center offers a balanced approach combining therapy, group support, and holistic practices, all tailored to your unique needs. Take the first brave step towards reclaiming your life and recognizing the beauty in your real, imperfect, and human self. Contact us today – your story isn’t over yet.

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Person looks downcast in an early evening showcasing the need for Mental Health Treatment Center Newport Beach

Mental Health Treatment Center Newport Beach

Count on the Top Mental Health Treatment Center in Newport Beach

Anxiety is an innate human condition, which is part of adaptive biology, that generates feelings of fear, dread, or uneasiness in a variety of situations. Feelings and emotions generated by anxiety may include discomfort, or feelings of threat.

Although this is a human condition, anxiety can get out of control in some people, causing different disorders, and emotional, social, and family problems. In such cases, the wisest thing to do is to seek anxiety treatment at a top mental health treatment center in Newport Beach. You should know more about anxiety disorders so that you will know if you or someone you love requires professional assistance.

What Are the Top-5 Major Anxiety Disorders?

  1. Generalized Anxiety: people experience persistent feelings or worries about general issues, such as the economy. They live with a constant feeling that something bad is going to happen. These fears and worries are very real for these people, and prevent them from functioning normally.
  2. Panic Disorder: This condition involves sudden feelings of terror and dread. The feelings are very intense and unprovoked, and sufferers tend to develop phobias towards different situations or things. Many times they even limit their activities simply by avoiding the next panic episode, which may require anxiety and depression treatment.
  3. Phobias: this is a marked or uncontrollable fear of particular things or situations. People may develop specific phobias, such as towards an animal, heights, enclosed spaces, or situations such as flying in an airplane. Individuals may also have social phobias that have to do with being in certain places or social situations.
  4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: this condition includes a series of persistent feelings, thoughts, or emotions (obsessions). These are uncontrollable and unwanted, and in many cases, these thoughts are accompanied by routines or rituals (compulsions) that people do to free themselves from them. Most anxiety disorder treatment centers provide support for this condition.
  5. Trauma Anxiety: Many people suffer from physical or emotional trauma, which generates high levels of uncontrolled anxiety. These can be sudden events, such as an accident or natural disaster, or repeated situations such as abuse or violence.

Why Is it Important to Treat Anxiety?

It is essential to get help from a leading mental health treatment center when it becomes chronic. Keep in mind that a chronic anxiety disorder is much more than feelings of panic or stress. People with a sudden panic attack can suffer heart attacks, for example. Most people who suffer from anxiety have problems in some areas of their lives, such as family, work, or social life. In the most severe cases, despair can lead to a person attempting thei own life.

Get Help at the Best Mental Health Treatment Center

If you or someone you love suffers from anxiety disorders, we are here to help. LIDO Wellness Center is the premier mental health treatment center in Newport Beach, with the best professionals, the best anxiety, depression, and detox treatment programs, and the best facilities to help you regain your wellness. Call us to learn more about our mental health treatment services.

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An image capturing the essence of anhedonia: a stark, empty bench in a park on a gloomy day, symbolizing loneliness and emotional numbness.

Anhedonia: What to Do About the Loss of Pleasure?

The Silent Struggle

Anhedonia is the technical term for losing the capacity to experience pleasure. Imagine your favorite ice cream tasting like bland cream, or a sunny day feeling just like another sequence of light and dark. It’s as if life has lost its color filters, and everything is in monotone. Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? Well, for those experiencing it, it is.

The Science Behind the Scenes of Anhedonia

From a scientific standpoint, anhedonia is fascinating (in a somewhat somber way). It’s often a symptom of major mental health disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Here’s where it gets interesting: the brain circuits involved in experiencing pleasure—primarily the dopamine pathways—go off track. Think of it as a rollercoaster that’s lost its way—thrilling, but not in a good way.

Diagnosing anhedonia can be tricky. It’s like trying to describe the taste of water—it’s so integral to many mental health disorders that it often blends in. Mental health professionals typically look for signs like loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, a flat affect, and diminished emotional responses.

The DSM-5 Spotlight on Anhedonia

The DSM-5, which stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, is like the Encyclopedia Britannica of mental health. It identifies anhedonia as one of the two core symptoms of major depressive disorder. That’s like saying in the world of basketball, it’s as fundamental as dribbling and shooting. But here’s the twist: anhedonia doesn’t just play for team depression; it’s also a key player in several other mental health conditions.

The Many Faces of Anhedonia

  1. Emotional Blunting: This is anhedonia in its classic form. It’s like having emotional taste buds that have gone numb. People with this symptom find that the things that once tickled their emotional taste buds no longer do.
  2. Loss of Interest: Imagine your hobbies and passions turning into old, dusty books on a forgotten shelf. Activities that once sparked joy now elicit a shrug or a disinterested sigh.
  3. Reduced Sexual Desire: Here, anhedonia sneaks into the bedroom. The flames of desire dwindle, leaving individuals and couples grappling with a lack of sexual interest.
  4. Social Withdrawal: It’s like being in a room full of people but feeling utterly alone. The social butterflies find their wings clipped, leading to a retreat into their cocoon.
  5. Inability to React to Positive Events: Picture this: you win a lottery, but it feels as exciting as receiving a spam email. Anhedonia can dampen the reaction to positive events, making them feel inconsequential.
  6. Physical Anhedonia: This one’s about the body’s responses. The warmth of the sun or the comfort of a hug might lose their soothing touch.

Anhedonia Treatment: Rekindling the Flame

Now, let’s talk solutions. Treating anhedonia isn’t as straightforward as fixing a broken bone, but it’s not like trying to lasso the wind either. It’s somewhere in between.

  1. Medication: Antidepressants, especially those targeting dopamine pathways, can be effective. It’s like giving a pep talk to the brain’s pleasure centers.
  2. Psychotherapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a star here. It helps in rewiring thought patterns, akin to teaching an old dog new tricks (brains are remarkably trainable).
  3. Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep hygiene can work wonders. It’s like fine-tuning a musical instrument for optimal performance.
  4. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: These practices help in reconnecting with the present moment and finding joy in the little things.
  5. Social Support: Engaging in social activities, even when it feels like a chore, can gradually reignite the spark of pleasure.

The Road Ahead

The journey with anhedonia is unique for everyone. It’s not a sprint; it’s more of a marathon with scenic routes and a few potholes. The key is persistence and finding the right combination of treatments.

Here’s the good news: anhedonia is treatable. With the right support and interventions, it’s possible to rediscover pleasure in life. Think of it as a dimmer switch that can slowly be turned up, bringing light back into the room.

Getting Help for Anhedonia in Newport Beach

Anhedonia, while elusive, is not invincible. With a blend of science, support, and self-care, it’s possible to send this uninvited guest packing. Remember, it’s about relearning the language of joy – and that’s a language everyone has the capacity to speak. To talk to a mental health professional at Lido Wellness Center in Newport Beach, call us today: 949-541-8466.

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