Category Archives: Mental Health

A serene desert landscape, with vast sandy dunes stretching into the distance, symbolizing the journey of navigating through suicidal thoughts towards hope and healing.

I’m Having Suicidal Thoughts: What Is Suicidal Ideation?

The hope is that we can live with purpose. We can find joy, and we can look forward to another day. But it is just not always the case. Some people have not had joy or happiness in so long that they feel like maybe it isn’t even a possibility. And it might even get to the point that they decide that there is so much pain; it is just better to try to stop it all. Suicidal thoughts, or contemplating suicide, is a serious mental health concern. It’s scary for the person having them and those who love them.

Understanding suicidal thoughts is a difficult prospect. But there are some ways you can reflect and inspect to find out where they might be coming from and recognize when they might become dangerous. As well as where to get help when things feel like they are at their worst.

*Please note: If you are thinking, “I have Suicidal Thoughts,” we want to help. But If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, reaching out to mental health professionals or trusted individuals in your life is crucial. Use crisis resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (dial 988 on your phone) or Crisis Text Line if immediate help is needed. Remember, it’s not a sign of weakness to seek help but a brave step toward healing.

Understanding Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal ideation is another way to talk about suicidal thoughts. It refers to thinking about self-harm, ranging from fleeting considerations to detailed plans.

There could be lots of reasons for a person to consider suicide. Some of the most common stem from chronic depression or anxiety. These conditions are overwhelming, and it seems like there is no way out or any hope. Stressful life events also may play a part, such as losing a job or a loved one. Trauma is also extremely painful and can impact a person daily, making someone feel trapped in a cage of their past.

Ultimately thoughts of suicide occur when despair, hopelessness, or unbearable pain feel like they are never going away. There is no way to cope with what is happening or what has happened, and the person feels they have no other options to alleviate their suffering.

Recognizing Suicide Danger

Suicidal ideation becomes more dangerous when passive thoughts become active plans or actions. Is there a plan in place? As well, have they lost or had protection removed? Protective measures are people who care about them or a safe environment to find the ability to self-soothe.

There are some other signs to look for:

Crisis: has there been a loss in their life or a traumatic event?

Previous attempts: previous attempts are a clear sign—especially if they were recent.

Mental health: are there other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, or personality disorders?

Access: do they have access to lethal means, e.g., Firearms or medications?

Help for Someone Who Says, “I’m Having Suicidal Thoughts”

Identifying signs of suicidal ideation in loved ones can be challenging. Look for changes in behavior, expressions of hopelessness, or references to death or suicide. Look for the above signs and notice if they spend their time in isolation.

But the most important is that they feel safe to talk to you. If you fear for someone’s life, ask them. Hiding from it or pretending it is not there creates more pain.

What do you ask? Keep it straightforward:

Ask: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”

Approaching a loved one who is experiencing suicidal thoughts requires compassion and care. Be ready to listen and offer nonjudgmental support. Make sure you have some resources available and options for professional help.

Treatment Options for Suicidal Ideation

Numerous treatment options exist for managing suicidal ideation. Psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, can help people build the skills to learn how to cope with these thoughts. Medications, particularly antidepressants, can be helpful for various mental health disorders.

In acute cases, an intervention may be necessary. This might include hospitalization or residential treatment programs. These provide a safe environment and intensive treatment to navigate the crisis.

Support networks such as family or friends that love the person are crucial. While mental health professionals offer necessary therapeutic interventions and support groups provide a space to share experiences and learn from others who’ve faced similar struggles, loved ones offer ongoing support, reminding the individual they are not alone.

Getting Help With Suicidal Thoughts

When someone is thinking of suicide or is afraid of their thoughts, it is time to take action. It is always a big deal and should be considered an emergency. Understanding when it is most dangerous is important, but even more, understanding the options for yourself or your loved one is vital. At Lido Wellness, we have professionals that can help. Again, if you are thinking of harming yourself right now, call 911 or the 988. But if you are scared of the underlying factors or see your despair getting deeper and deeper, please call Lido Wellness today. Recovery is possible. There is hope. Our team can help you find the path toward a life worth living with joy and purpose.

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the disconnection and detachment that individuals DPDR experience in Newport Beach

A Guide to Depersonalization and Derealization (DPDR)

Both depersonalization and derealization are signs of psychological distress and are considered dissociative disorder. Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR) is a term used to describe the combination of these symptoms.

Depersonalization is the experience of distancing oneself from one’s own identity. The experience can be akin to looking at yourself on a movie screen or standing on the sidelines while your life unfolds.

Derealization is the experience of disconnection from one’s immediate surroundings and the people and things within them. Feelings of isolation from those who matter to you may intensify. You feel as though you are looking at the world through a twisted and surreal veil.

DPDR Causes

There is a lack of consensus on what triggers DPDR. Hereditary and environmental variables may make some persons more prone to depersonalization-derealization than others.

Childhood trauma or other experiences or situations that produce extreme emotional stress or suffering may contribute to developing DPDR symptoms in adulthood.

It may also stem from alcohol use disorder, extreme emotional or financial stress, or prolonged periods of despair or anxiety. Personality problems and other mental health issues or physical diseases, including epilepsy, can also set off DPDR.

DPDR Symptoms

DPDR symptoms differ based on depersonalization or derealization.

Depersonalization Signs

DPDR depersonalization symptoms include:

  • Alexithymia—inability to identify or explain emotions
  • Physical numbness
  • Being unable to control one’s speech or actions common to those with alcohol use disorder
  • Disconnection from one’s physicality, mentality, feelings, and senses
  • Inability to feel anything about past events
  • Feeling like cotton has been stuffed into your skull

Derealization Signs

DPDR derealization symptoms entail:

  • Distance and object size/shape distortions
  • Increased sensitivity to your environment
  • A sense that recent occurrences belong to another era
  • A world that is distorted, flat, monochromatic, unrealistic, oversized, or cartoonish

Practical Coping Strategies for Managing DPDR

As difficult as these symptoms are, there are some things you can do that will help alleviate them when they occur. Here are ways to cope with DPDR:

Grounding Workouts

Maintaining a solid relationship with your immediate surroundings. Making sure you are applying intentional mindfulness and awareness. For instance:

  • Reaching out and touching the earth
  • Being in physical contact with something
  • Doing something relaxing, like listening to music and singing

Engage in Mindful Activity

Meditation and other forms of mindfulness can also help you with a sense of presence and bodily awareness. Experts say that these methods teach one to securely and quietly monitor physical and emotional sensations.

Adopting a Healthy Routine

Getting enough sleep can be a good stress management and anxiety reduction technique. Aerobic exercise has been shown to alleviate burnout, and since depersonalization is a hallmark of burnout, this is encouraging news. It would help if you also considered making and sticking with some dietary changes.

Getting Help With DPDR in Newport Beach

DPDR is a serious condition. It is incredibly isolating and can contribute to clinical depression and more. Living life as if your reality is like a dream is not a healthy way to experience being alive.

Getting help from a DPDR center such as Lido Wellness Center in Newport Beach is crucial in managing your symptoms and regaining a sense of wellness. Our CBT therapy in Newport Beach, as well as our EMDR center in Newport Beach, have both proven successful in treating DPDR. Call us today to talk to a mental health specialist and see your best options.



  1. “Depersonalization and Derealization” – from the National Institute of Mental Health (
  2. “Depersonalization Disorder: A Guide to Symptoms, Treatment and Hope” – from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (
  3. “Depersonalization and Derealization Disorder” – from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (
  4. “Depersonalization-derealization disorder: what we know so far” – from the journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (


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Person cleaning with a spray bottle and cloth, a possible representation of compulsive cleaning behaviors associated with emetophobia and OCD.

The Connection Between Emetophobia and OCD

Trigger warning … we are going to talk a little about vomiting. Though if you already know what emetophobia is, you already know that.

Emetophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an intense fear of vomiting.

It is often so bad it can significantly impact a person’s daily life. They might have to avoid certain foods, social situations, and even travel because of the potential (or perceived potential) of vomit.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) that cause repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) to alleviate anxiety.

Can you see the connection?

Potential Connection between Emetophobia and OCD

Though not always, there are certainly times emetophobia can manifest as a specific type of OCD in which the obsessions and compulsions are centered around the fear of vomiting. For example, individuals with emetophobia and OCD may engage in excessive checking behaviors, such as checking expiration dates on food or avoiding contact with people who are sick, to prevent the possibility of vomiting.

They may compulsively check their temperature, pulse, or other physical sensations for signs of illness. This can cause them to miss work, school, or other important commitments.

Impact on Daily Life

 The emetophobia and OCD connection can profoundly impact people’s lives, causing significant limitations in their daily activities. For those with emetophobia, it’s not uncommon to avoid certain foods or restaurants, leading to feelings of social isolation and difficulty maintaining relationships. In severe cases, some individuals may feel too anxious to leave their homes, which can mean loneliness and depression.

Social situations can be particularly challenging for individuals with emetophobia-OCD. Fear of vomiting can cause anxiety in public places, parties, and public transportation. This can cause significant distress, social isolation, and difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. Furthermore, OCD compulsions such as excessive cleaning or handwashing can be socially stigmatizing, leading to embarrassment and shame.

Impact on Eating Habits and More

The fear of vomiting can significantly impact an individual’s eating habits, leading to restrictive diets, malnutrition, and weight loss. Emetophobic people may avoid certain foods or food groups, such as meat or dairy, because they associate them with vomiting. Furthermore, the fear of vomiting can cause anxiety around mealtimes, resulting in nausea, loss of appetite, or even vomiting.

They may obsessively clean and disinfect their environment, clothes, and personal belongings to avoid any risk of contamination or infection. Cleaning all day long can be time-consuming and expensive and interfere with their daily life and routines.

Treatment Options for Emetophobia and OCD

It makes sense that someone with emetophobia may think they have OCD. And they might. But the good news is there is treatment for both.

The emetophobia-OCD connection requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the specific phobia and the OCD symptoms. Treatment options may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure and response prevention (ERP), and medication. CBT can help individuals challenge their negative thoughts and beliefs about vomiting, while ERP can help them gradually face their fears and reduce avoidance behaviors.

If you want to know more about emetophobia and OCD, call us today to talk to a mental health care advisor.




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crisis prone personality

Crisis Prone Personality

Do you get text messages that seem like the world is going to end? Is it a common occurrence? Do most of these texts come from the same person? Maybe this person feels like the sky is always about to fall. Or it’s falling right now! You might know someone with a crisis-prone personality. Running from one emergency to another to the degree that even simple tasks seem filled with impending doom. Things often get out of control, and they constantly let everyone know how bad it is.

In mental health terminologies, a crisis refers to a traumatic event and a person’s reaction to a situation. It also means an experience or perception of an event as an intolerable difficulty that surpasses the individual’s present resources and coping mechanisms.

A crisis-prone individual wakes in the morning and has to deal with life’s daily activities filled with potential crises and distress. For these people, being in an emergency is their way of life. The typical characteristics include significant discomfort or impairment in occupational, social, or other crucial areas of functioning. Just about anything can trigger it.

Causes of Crisis Prone Personality

Your personality—how you feel, think and behave—primarily forms during childhood. Your experiences, environment, and temperament all work to shape your character.

Some contributing factors to crisis prone personalities that might have come from environmental factors in their childhood include:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Chaos
  • Instability
  • Abuse
  • Genetic predisposition

Personality Disorders That May Contribute to Crisis Personalities

But there is more. While it’s important to note that not everyone with a personality disorder is necessarily “crisis-prone,” certain personality disorders may contribute to an increased likelihood of experiencing or perceiving crises in life.

Some of these include:

  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – Individuals with BPD often have unstable emotions, intense mood swings, and a fear of abandonment. They may engage in impulsive or self-destructive behaviors, which can contribute to the perception of a crisis or create crises in their lives.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – Those with NPD have an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They may have difficulty handling criticism or perceived slights, leading to interpersonal conflicts and crises.
  3. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) – People with ASPD exhibit a pattern of disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. Their behaviors may lead to frequent legal, financial, or interpersonal problems, increasing the likelihood of crises.
  4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) – As mentioned earlier, individuals with HPD seek attention and validation from others. Their dramatic, attention-seeking behaviors may contribute to the perception of crises or result in the creation of crises in their lives.
  5. Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) – Those with DPD have an excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive and clinging behaviors. They may struggle with decision-making, and their reliance on others can create tension or crises in relationships.

Living with Someone with Crisis Prone Personality 

At Home and Work:

When managing crisis-prone colleagues in the workplace or at home, it’s important to really, honestly look at the situation objectively. Taking everything at face value will allow extra stress and drama. Determine whether the crisis is genuine or fabricated to place the individual in the spotlight.

If the crisis is genuine, appropriate action should be taken. However, if the facts don’t line up or things feel manipulated to maintain an emergency mindset, staying calm will help others recognize that the issue does not warrant immediate attention and discourage the drama.

In a Relationship:

Being crisis-prone in relationships probably includes frequent drama. Individuals with such tendencies may start fights for diversion, excitement, or to play the rescuer. They might also be drawn to makeup sex, finding emotional extremes enticing and sex more appealing after arguments.

To handle a crisis-prone partner, be prepared for unexpected turbulence in an otherwise peaceful atmosphere. When a conflict begins to emerge, avoid getting entangled in it. Instead, try to understand your partner’s feelings and determine whether the issue stems from genuine concerns or a desire for stimulation caused by boredom.

Addressing these underlying needs may prevent the argument from escalating. If you’re the one inclined towards crisis, strive for self-awareness and examine the underlying needs that conflicts might satisfy.

Seeking Professional Support

If you or someone you know struggles with crisis-prone behavior, seeking professional help can move you towards a healthier and more stable life. A mental health program can provide valuable guidance and support in identifying the underlying causes of the behavior and developing effective coping strategies.

By engaging in therapy and working towards self-awareness, individuals with crisis-prone tendencies can learn to manage their emotions, improve their relationships, and cultivate a more balanced approach to life’s challenges. Do you want to talk more about this behavior and how a mental health IOP such as Lido Wellness can help? Call us today: 949-503-9655.


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