Category Archives: Mental Health

crisis prone personality

Crisis Prone Personality

Do you get text messages that seem like the world is going to end? Is it a common occurrence? Do most of these texts come from the same person? Maybe this person feels like the sky is always about to fall. Or it’s falling right now! You might know someone with a crisis-prone personality. Running from one emergency to another to the degree that even simple tasks seem filled with impending doom. Things often get out of control, and they constantly let everyone know how bad it is.

In mental health terminologies, a crisis refers to a traumatic event and a person’s reaction to a situation. It also means an experience or perception of an event as an intolerable difficulty that surpasses the individual’s present resources and coping mechanisms.

A crisis-prone individual wakes in the morning and has to deal with life’s daily activities filled with potential crises and distress. For these people, being in an emergency is their way of life. The typical characteristics include significant discomfort or impairment in occupational, social, or other crucial areas of functioning. Just about anything can trigger it.

Causes of Crisis Prone Personality

Your personality—how you feel, think and behave—primarily forms during childhood. Your experiences, environment, and temperament all work to shape your character.

Some contributing factors to crisis prone personalities that might have come from environmental factors in their childhood include:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Chaos
  • Instability
  • Abuse
  • Genetic predisposition

Personality Disorders That May Contribute to Crisis Personalities

But there is more. While it’s important to note that not everyone with a personality disorder is necessarily “crisis-prone,” certain personality disorders may contribute to an increased likelihood of experiencing or perceiving crises in life.

Some of these include:

  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – Individuals with BPD often have unstable emotions, intense mood swings, and a fear of abandonment. They may engage in impulsive or self-destructive behaviors, which can contribute to the perception of a crisis or create crises in their lives.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – Those with NPD have an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They may have difficulty handling criticism or perceived slights, leading to interpersonal conflicts and crises.
  3. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) – People with ASPD exhibit a pattern of disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. Their behaviors may lead to frequent legal, financial, or interpersonal problems, increasing the likelihood of crises.
  4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) – As mentioned earlier, individuals with HPD seek attention and validation from others. Their dramatic, attention-seeking behaviors may contribute to the perception of crises or result in the creation of crises in their lives.
  5. Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) – Those with DPD have an excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive and clinging behaviors. They may struggle with decision-making, and their reliance on others can create tension or crises in relationships.

Living with Someone with Crisis Prone Personality 

At Home and Work:

When managing crisis-prone colleagues in the workplace or at home, it’s important to really, honestly look at the situation objectively. Taking everything at face value will allow extra stress and drama. Determine whether the crisis is genuine or fabricated to place the individual in the spotlight.

If the crisis is genuine, appropriate action should be taken. However, if the facts don’t line up or things feel manipulated to maintain an emergency mindset, staying calm will help others recognize that the issue does not warrant immediate attention and discourage the drama.

In a Relationship:

Being crisis-prone in relationships probably includes frequent drama. Individuals with such tendencies may start fights for diversion, excitement, or to play the rescuer. They might also be drawn to makeup sex, finding emotional extremes enticing and sex more appealing after arguments.

To handle a crisis-prone partner, be prepared for unexpected turbulence in an otherwise peaceful atmosphere. When a conflict begins to emerge, avoid getting entangled in it. Instead, try to understand your partner’s feelings and determine whether the issue stems from genuine concerns or a desire for stimulation caused by boredom.

Addressing these underlying needs may prevent the argument from escalating. If you’re the one inclined towards crisis, strive for self-awareness and examine the underlying needs that conflicts might satisfy.

Seeking Professional Support

If you or someone you know struggles with crisis-prone behavior, seeking professional help can move you towards a healthier and more stable life. A mental health program can provide valuable guidance and support in identifying the underlying causes of the behavior and developing effective coping strategies.

By engaging in therapy and working towards self-awareness, individuals with crisis-prone tendencies can learn to manage their emotions, improve their relationships, and cultivate a more balanced approach to life’s challenges. Do you want to talk more about this behavior and how a mental health IOP such as Lido Wellness can help? Call us today: 949-503-9655.


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Is my mental health declining?

Is My Mental Health Declining?

It happens all the time. A person is living their life. Nothing drastic changes. Maybe a series of difficulties have come, but that is life. But things seem harder. Some describe it as exhaustion. A loss of the zeal. A sadness that seems to stick around. Maybe it’s working long hours and prioritizing career over well-being. Often feeling stressed and anxious. Sure, these things can all be part of normal life, but what happens when they are more? How do we know if this is just a phase or if we need to ask the question: Is my mental health declining?

Mental Health: A Universal Concern

Mental health is something that everyone should be concerned about. Mental health problems can creep up slowly. Psychological issues require treatment at an early stage before they worsen.

Though you will want to see a specialist to get a true diagnosis, there are some common signs that let you know if your mental health is more than a side effect of normal life.

  1. Sleep Changes

Sleep patterns can be a sign of declining mental health. While it’s normal to experience occasional disruptions, is your sleep issue occasional or persistent? Do you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Clinical depression can cause insomnia, where an individual has difficulty falling or staying asleep, or hypersomnia, where they may sleep for extended periods. Anxiety can have similar effects. Bipolar disorder and PTSD also carry sleep issues that could be underlying signs to reach out for help.

  1. Mood changes

Do you feel sometimes up and sometimes down? Or do you feel constantly short-tempered, anxious, restless, emotional, and more sensitive than usual? The important thing to remember with mood changes is that everyone has ups and downs. We might feel happy because work went well, or sad because an argument with a loved one. The question is are the mood changes persistent, intense, and interfering with daily functioning?
If you feel one or more of these, then your mental health may be the issue.

  1. Behavioral changes

If you have stopped meeting friends or socializing, not communicating with your family and just want to be alone always, you may feel disconnected from reality. On an occasional basis, this may be just a time-out that you want. Regularly it can be a major symptom of worsening mental health.

  1. Don’t experience joy or happiness

Being sad always, and not being able to feel joy or happiness in activities or situations that earlier you used to enjoy can be signs of mental health issues. Anhedonia, the medical term for the inability to experience pleasure or interest in things that were previously enjoyable, is a common symptom of depression and other mental health conditions. You may feel emotionally flat, numb, or disconnected from the things they once enjoyed. You may also struggle to find motivation or interest in activities you once loved. This also creates a cycle. These activities can also alleviate depression, and that lack of them could lead to despair. If nothing cheers you up and makes you happy, then you may want to reach out for help.

What to Do About Declining Mental Health

If you think your mental health is declining, that you are experiencing signs that are persistent, reach out to someone for support. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional about what you’re going through. They can provide a listening ear, offer practical advice, and help you identify the next steps to take. Our team here at Lido Wellness Center is available to hear what you are going through. We work with patients every day that are working through a decline in mental health and are finding a path to wellness.


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benefits of crying for mental health

Benefits of Crying for Mental Health

What Is Crying?

Crying is a natural response to emotions such as sadness, joy, frustration, love, loneliness, and fear. Of course this is just the beginning. In the range of human emotions, any of them could have the potential to elicit tears.

Crying is a complex process that is related to emotional expression combined with a release of stress, all connected to a physiological response to the stimulation of certain nerves in the eyes. When a person experiences strong emotions, their brain sends a signal to the glands in the upper outer part of the eye to produce tears.

These tears then drain into the tear ducts and flow down the cheeks. This is the physical aspect of crying. The emotional one is even more complicated.

When we cry, several psychological and emotional processes are taking place. Crying can be seen as a form of emotional expression, a release of feelings, and a way to communicate our needs and feelings to others.

Here are some of the psychological processes that occur when we cry:

  1. Emotional release: Crying can help to release pent-up emotions, such as sadness, anger, frustration, or joy. When we cry, we allow ourselves to fully experience and express our emotions, which can help to reduce stress and tension and improve our overall mood.
  2. Communication: Crying can also serve as a form of nonverbal communication, signaling to others that we need support or help. This is especially true when we cry in the presence of others, as the act of crying can elicit sympathy and support from others.
  3. Empathy: Crying can also facilitate empathy, as it allows us to connect with others on an emotional level. When we see someone else crying, we often feel a strong urge to comfort them and help them through their emotional experience.
  4. Reflection: Crying can also be a time for introspection and reflection, as it forces us to slow down and reflect on our emotions and experiences. This can lead to greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of our own emotional needs and responses.

Despite this, there is often a stigma surrounding crying and expressing emotions, particularly for men. Many cultures teach that crying is a sign of weakness and that expressing feelings is inappropriate in certain situations. This stigma can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed about crying, even when it is a healthy and normal response to their feelings.

Physical Benefits of Crying

Crying has several physical benefits, including reducing stress and releasing tension in the body. When a person cries, they release a chemical called prolactin, which is associated with a reduction in stress levels. Additionally, crying can help regulate levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, leading to a calming of the mind.

Crying also helps to reduce eye pressure, improve vision, and relieve sinus pressure.

Emotional Benefits of Crying

Crying can also provide emotional benefits, such as reducing sadness, anger, or frustration. By releasing these emotions through crying, a person can feel a sense of relief and a reduced burden of stress and negativity. Crying can also help to facilitate healing and closure after a traumatic event or loss. Additionally, crying can help build a deeper connection with others, providing a sense of shared empathy and understanding.

Social Benefits of Crying

Crying can even provide social benefits, such as building stronger relationships and improving communication. By sharing emotions with others, individuals can feel a sense of empathy and understanding from their friends, family, or partners. Shedding tears helps to build trust and intimacy in relationships, as it demonstrates vulnerability and allows others to support and comfort one another. It’s important to share your true feelings with others, especially those closest to you.

When Is Crying Too Much?

While there are many benefits of crying for mental health, and it is a natural part of the human experience, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem, such as clinical depression or anxiety, if it occurs frequently or excessively.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and feel that you can’t stop crying, it’s important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or healthcare provider for support and guidance.

At Lido Wellness, our team can help. We specialize in trauma care and anxiety and depression disorders. If you are looking for an outpatient mental health option do understand why you might be crying excessively, call our team today.

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Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions to help depression

9 Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions

The new year can sometimes be difficult for people experiencing depressionanxiety, or other mental health issues. There are plenty of potential reasons why the new year might trigger disorders or even more severe episodes, such as manic bipolar episodes. Before we get into the mental health New Year’s Resolutions, here are some common reasons you might be struggling.

  1. Expectations: The new year is often associated with high expectations and the pressure to make resolutions and achieve goals. This can be overwhelming and may even lead to feelings of failure or disappointment.
  2. Loneliness: The holiday season can be a time of increased social activity, but once the holiday season is over, people may feel lonely and isolated.
  3. Financial stress: The holiday season can be financially stressful, and the start of the new year may bring financial concerns such as credit card bills and budgeting.
  4. Cold weather: The winter months can be tough for some people due to the colder weather, shorter days, and lack of sunlight, which can contribute to feelings of sadness and depression.
  5. Relationship strain: Holidays could mean family gatherings (or friends). With all the above things in mind, these gatherings have the potential to be relationship napalm. This can mean you are starting the new year on shaky psychological ground.
  6. Substance abuse: Holidays are often when we let loose a little and use drugs or alcohol to higher levels. This alone can present problems, but if it means a relapse for a person with a substance use disorder, the aftermath will be broad.

9 Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions

The first thing to remember is to set realistic goals. Whatever you decide to concentrate on for your mental health new year’s resolutions, make them achievable and specific. This will help you stay motivated and avoid disappointment or failure. Here are 9 resolutions to consider and decide what works for you.

1. Stay Positive

Focusing on the positive things in your life can help to improve your mood and overall well-being. Make a list of things you’re grateful for, and incorporate more positive thinking into your daily routine.

2. Reflect

The new year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to think about what you’d like to focus on moving forward. Take time to journal or meditate on your goals and priorities for the new year.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is not about clearing your mind of all thoughts or reaching a state of enlightenment. It is about developing a new relationship with your thoughts and emotions, observing them rather than getting caught up in them. This can involve setting aside time each day to focus on your breath, thoughts, and feelings.

4. Practice Self-care

Taking care of yourself is vital for your overall well-being. Make sure to prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

5. Set Boundaries

Learn to say “no” when you need to and prioritize your well-being.

6. Practice Gratitude

Make a conscious effort to focus on the things you are grateful for in your life.

7. Connect With Others

Make an effort to spend time with friends and loved ones, and consider joining a support group or club.

8. Seek Out New Experiences

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can help boost your mood and confidence.

9. Seek Support

If you’re struggling with sadness or depression, it’s important to reach out for support. Talk to a friend or family member, or consider seeking help from a mental health professional.

Going Beyond New Year’s Resolutions

Resolutions are always a good start. But there are times when we should look deeper than making lifestyle tweaks at the beginning of the year.

There are several reasons someone might need an outpatient or partial hospitalization program for mental health.

They may be experiencing severe symptoms that require more intensive treatment to manage, or they may have tried resolutions before—even other forms of treatment that have not been effective. PHPs can also be helpful for people who are transitioning from inpatient treatment to regular outpatient care, as they can provide a higher level of support and structure during this time.

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) and intensive outpatient mental health programs provide structured treatment for people with mental health conditions. PHP programs typically involve a full day of treatment, several days a week, and are designed to provide a high level of support and structure while allowing people to continue living at home.

PHP programs can be helpful for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:

Structure: PHP programs provide a structured daily schedule of treatment activities, which can benefit people struggling to manage their symptoms.

Support: PHP programs provide a high level of support from mental health professionals and peers, which can be helpful for people who are working to make positive changes in their lives.

Skills building: PHP programs often teach skills and strategies for managing mental health symptoms and improving overall well-being. This can include skills such as stress management, communication, and problem-solving.

Continuity of care: PHP programs provide ongoing treatment, which can help ensure that people continue to progress and maintain the skills and coping strategies they have learned.

Call our admissions team today to learn more about our specialized mental health program at Lido Wellness Center.

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