Category Archives: Mental Health

benefits of crying for mental health

Benefits of Crying for Mental Health

What Is Crying?

Crying is a natural response to emotions such as sadness, joy, frustration, love, loneliness, and fear. Of course this is just the beginning. In the range of human emotions, any of them could have the potential to elicit tears.

Crying is a complex process that is related to emotional expression combined with a release of stress, all connected to a physiological response to the stimulation of certain nerves in the eyes. When a person experiences strong emotions, their brain sends a signal to the glands in the upper outer part of the eye to produce tears.

These tears then drain into the tear ducts and flow down the cheeks. This is the physical aspect of crying. The emotional one is even more complicated.

When we cry, several psychological and emotional processes are taking place. Crying can be seen as a form of emotional expression, a release of feelings, and a way to communicate our needs and feelings to others.

Here are some of the psychological processes that occur when we cry:

  1. Emotional release: Crying can help to release pent-up emotions, such as sadness, anger, frustration, or joy. When we cry, we allow ourselves to fully experience and express our emotions, which can help to reduce stress and tension and improve our overall mood.
  2. Communication: Crying can also serve as a form of nonverbal communication, signaling to others that we need support or help. This is especially true when we cry in the presence of others, as the act of crying can elicit sympathy and support from others.
  3. Empathy: Crying can also facilitate empathy, as it allows us to connect with others on an emotional level. When we see someone else crying, we often feel a strong urge to comfort them and help them through their emotional experience.
  4. Reflection: Crying can also be a time for introspection and reflection, as it forces us to slow down and reflect on our emotions and experiences. This can lead to greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of our own emotional needs and responses.

Despite this, there is often a stigma surrounding crying and expressing emotions, particularly for men. Many cultures teach that crying is a sign of weakness and that expressing feelings is inappropriate in certain situations. This stigma can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed about crying, even when it is a healthy and normal response to their feelings.

Physical Benefits of Crying

Crying has several physical benefits, including reducing stress and releasing tension in the body. When a person cries, they release a chemical called prolactin, which is associated with a reduction in stress levels. Additionally, crying can help regulate levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, leading to a calming of the mind.

Crying also helps to reduce eye pressure, improve vision, and relieve sinus pressure.

Emotional Benefits of Crying

Crying can also provide emotional benefits, such as reducing sadness, anger, or frustration. By releasing these emotions through crying, a person can feel a sense of relief and a reduced burden of stress and negativity. Crying can also help to facilitate healing and closure after a traumatic event or loss. Additionally, crying can help build a deeper connection with others, providing a sense of shared empathy and understanding.

Social Benefits of Crying

Crying can even provide social benefits, such as building stronger relationships and improving communication. By sharing emotions with others, individuals can feel a sense of empathy and understanding from their friends, family, or partners. Shedding tears helps to build trust and intimacy in relationships, as it demonstrates vulnerability and allows others to support and comfort one another. It’s important to share your true feelings with others, especially those closest to you.

When Is Crying Too Much?

While there are many benefits of crying for mental health, and it is a natural part of the human experience, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem, such as clinical depression or anxiety, if it occurs frequently or excessively.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and feel that you can’t stop crying, it’s important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or healthcare provider for support and guidance.

At Lido Wellness, our team can help. We specialize in trauma care and anxiety and depression disorders. If you are looking for an outpatient mental health option do understand why you might be crying excessively, call our team today.

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Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions to help depression

9 Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions

The new year can sometimes be difficult for people experiencing depressionanxiety, or other mental health issues. There are plenty of potential reasons why the new year might trigger disorders or even more severe episodes, such as manic bipolar episodes. Before we get into the mental health New Year’s Resolutions, here are some common reasons you might be struggling.

  1. Expectations: The new year is often associated with high expectations and the pressure to make resolutions and achieve goals. This can be overwhelming and may even lead to feelings of failure or disappointment.
  2. Loneliness: The holiday season can be a time of increased social activity, but once the holiday season is over, people may feel lonely and isolated.
  3. Financial stress: The holiday season can be financially stressful, and the start of the new year may bring financial concerns such as credit card bills and budgeting.
  4. Cold weather: The winter months can be tough for some people due to the colder weather, shorter days, and lack of sunlight, which can contribute to feelings of sadness and depression.
  5. Relationship strain: Holidays could mean family gatherings (or friends). With all the above things in mind, these gatherings have the potential to be relationship napalm. This can mean you are starting the new year on shaky psychological ground.
  6. Substance abuse: Holidays are often when we let loose a little and use drugs or alcohol to higher levels. This alone can present problems, but if it means a relapse for a person with a substance use disorder, the aftermath will be broad.

9 Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions

The first thing to remember is to set realistic goals. Whatever you decide to concentrate on for your mental health new year’s resolutions, make them achievable and specific. This will help you stay motivated and avoid disappointment or failure. Here are 9 resolutions to consider and decide what works for you.

1. Stay Positive

Focusing on the positive things in your life can help to improve your mood and overall well-being. Make a list of things you’re grateful for, and incorporate more positive thinking into your daily routine.

2. Reflect

The new year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to think about what you’d like to focus on moving forward. Take time to journal or meditate on your goals and priorities for the new year.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is not about clearing your mind of all thoughts or reaching a state of enlightenment. It is about developing a new relationship with your thoughts and emotions, observing them rather than getting caught up in them. This can involve setting aside time each day to focus on your breath, thoughts, and feelings.

4. Practice Self-care

Taking care of yourself is vital for your overall well-being. Make sure to prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

5. Set Boundaries

Learn to say “no” when you need to and prioritize your well-being.

6. Practice Gratitude

Make a conscious effort to focus on the things you are grateful for in your life.

7. Connect With Others

Make an effort to spend time with friends and loved ones, and consider joining a support group or club.

8. Seek Out New Experiences

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can help boost your mood and confidence.

9. Seek Support

If you’re struggling with sadness or depression, it’s important to reach out for support. Talk to a friend or family member, or consider seeking help from a mental health professional.

Going Beyond New Year’s Resolutions

Resolutions are always a good start. But there are times when we should look deeper than making lifestyle tweaks at the beginning of the year.

There are several reasons someone might need an outpatient or partial hospitalization program for mental health.

They may be experiencing severe symptoms that require more intensive treatment to manage, or they may have tried resolutions before—even other forms of treatment that have not been effective. PHPs can also be helpful for people who are transitioning from inpatient treatment to regular outpatient care, as they can provide a higher level of support and structure during this time.

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) and intensive outpatient mental health programs provide structured treatment for people with mental health conditions. PHP programs typically involve a full day of treatment, several days a week, and are designed to provide a high level of support and structure while allowing people to continue living at home.

PHP programs can be helpful for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:

Structure: PHP programs provide a structured daily schedule of treatment activities, which can benefit people struggling to manage their symptoms.

Support: PHP programs provide a high level of support from mental health professionals and peers, which can be helpful for people who are working to make positive changes in their lives.

Skills building: PHP programs often teach skills and strategies for managing mental health symptoms and improving overall well-being. This can include skills such as stress management, communication, and problem-solving.

Continuity of care: PHP programs provide ongoing treatment, which can help ensure that people continue to progress and maintain the skills and coping strategies they have learned.

Call our admissions team today to learn more about our specialized mental health program at Lido Wellness Center.

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what is psychosis? Lido wellness center in Newport Beach can help

What Is Psychosis?

“I had a breakdown.” That’s typically when people hear about psychosis. But what does that actually mean? Because the word psychotic comes from the root of psychosis, there are obviously quite negative ideas surrounding psychosis.

To many, the word connotes: crazy, lunatic, or dangerous. But the word psychosis is more of an experience—something that happens—rather than a diagnosis. If you hallucinated or have had delusional beliefs, you may have had a psychotic event. You may be living with psychosis.

Psychosis does not mean you are dangerous. It does not mean you are “crazy,” and it does not mean you are hopeless.  

Psychosis Defined

The specific definition of Psychosis is a mental disorder in which the individual loses touch with reality due to a deterioration in their mental faculties.

There are 100,000 new cases of psychosis every year, mostly observed in people in their late teens to mid-twenties. It is commonly associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (or various other disorders) but can also be caused by drug use, both recreational and prescribed.

You may have experienced psychosis, but your diagnosis may be clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, extreme anxiety, or many other mental health disorders.

What Are the Symptoms?

Psychosis can be short-term, long-term, or occur sporadically throughout one’s life. An obvious way of recognizing a psychotic episode is observed through the main symptoms: abnormal behavior, disorganized speech, and an obvious disconnect with reality.

Knowing that you experience such a mental disorder can cause anxiety, fear, and confusion. It can also impact one’s life and interfere with daily responsibilities. Symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Aggression
  • Restlessness
  • Self-harm
  • Incoherent speech
  • Memory loss
  • Thoughts of suicide

What Causes Psychosis?

In the journey to understand “What is psychosis” you may want to know, “What causes psychosis?”

Psychosis can be triggered by several disorders or environmental factors. As we have mentioned, mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may trigger a psychotic episode. However, you can also experience psychosis because of a high fever.

Each person who has a psychotic episode will have a unique reason or cause. Some other factors that can generate a psychotic episode are:

  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Spiritual experiences
  • Abuse or trauma
  • Prescribed drugs
  • Grief
  • Insomnia
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Medical conditions (malaria, Parkinson’s, brain tumor, etc.)

Types of Psychosis

The following are the three main types of psychosis:

Hallucinations – hearing, seeing, or sensing things that aren’t there. Other senses may be distorted as well, such as smells and sensations occurring on the skin that do not exist. You may hear voices, see the dead, or perceive the world around you acting in ways that are contrary to physics.

Delusions – or beliefs in things that are nonfactual, specifically about oneself, others, and the world around you. They are typically beliefs that are contrary to the reality and perception of truth experienced by everyone around you. You may believe you can control the weather. But you would be the only person who believes that to be true.

Abnormal thoughts and speech – your thoughts move very quickly, and it is difficult to keep track, or your thoughts may jump from idea to idea very quickly through connections that only you can comprehend. This might be physically manifest through ramblings of incoherent speech that expose the sufferer’s incoherent thoughts.

See the story of this UK-based individual and his psychosis experience:

How Is It Treated?

Treatment can vary depending on the individual’s needs. Typically, one may need mental health therapy alongside antipsychotic medication. One popular form is CBTp or cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis. This is talk therapy that dismantles how a person thinks and feels and establishes coping mechanisms.

Treatment is particularly helpful when one has the support of friends and family. Family therapy can help with understanding the disorder, establish a plan for times of crisis, and help the sufferer cope outside therapy. This can also be achieved through community care, crisis hotlines, or treatment centers.

Lido Wellness Center can help you understand psychosis. Our team has experience with helping people journey through psychotic episodes as well as treating what may be the root cause. Our specialties in trauma and healing, anxiety, depression disorders, and bipolar disorders give us a unique set of tools to help patients find healing for the cause of their psychosis. Call us today to learn about our unique mental health treatment options.


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what is a panic attack

What Is a Panic Attack?

Panic attacks are sudden but intense episodes when you become overwhelmed with an intense wave of fear or anxiety—despite no obvious danger being around you. Naturally, panic attacks are tremendously frightening, with most people comparing them to heart attacks or near-death experiences.

Are Panic Attacks Dangerous?

Panic attacks can happen to anyone. But people suffering from a panic disorder, agoraphobia, or receiving treatment for PTSD are likely to experience panic attacks. Something to remember is that though it feels very real, panic attacks occur when there is no real danger. A person may believe they are having a heart attack. They may even begin choking or feel like they are dying.

What Does a Panic Attack Feel Like?

One of the core things to remember about panic attacks is that they begin suddenly, without any warning. This unanticipated feature of this condition makes them extremely frightening.

Once your attack starts, you may feel a powerful and disturbing pain in your chest that makes you believe you are about to die. However, you may also feel other symptoms, such as:

  1. Trembling limbs.
  2. Excessive sweating.
  3. Chills through your skin.
  4. Headaches
  5. Dizziness
  6. Palpitations

These symptoms generally last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes and fade away quickly after.

What Causes Panic Attacks?

Unfortunately, doctors are still not confident about what causes panic attacks, but they believe that these factors can affect their frequency:

  1. Your genes.
  2. Temperament and sensitivity.
  3. Extreme stress.

What Is Panic Disorder?

Most people will likely have a panic attack once or twice throughout their lifetime due to extreme stress. However, if you frequently have these attacks multiple times a year, then you may have a condition known as a panic disorder. People with panic disorders tend to struggle with anxiety and fear and consistently face feelings of dread, terror, and other panic attack symptoms.

What Should I Do If I’m Having a Panic Attack?

It is important to make sure you are not in danger. If it is truly a panic attack, there are some de-escalation actions to take.

  • Slow your breathing and become present with your breath
  • Put your focus on a single object in room or in the distance (notice leaves moving in the wind
  • Relax your body focusing on one part at a time
  • Recognize you are having a panic episode. Experience the feelings rather than fight them
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Create and repeat a calming mantra, such as, “This will pass.”

Long Term Panic Attack Treatment

We understand how challenging it can be to face panic attacks consistently in your life. A panic disorder can affect your social life and lead to other issues, such as depression. Fortunately, it does not have to be this way.

There are panic disorder treatment options.

The most successful involve various mental health counseling and therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, and exposure therapy. EMDR treatment is a non-invasive electromagnetic therapy that can also help with chronic panic disorders. These forms of treatment allow you to dive into the root cause of your panic attacks and transform how you react to anxiety.

Intensive Outpatient for Panic Disorders

Mental health counseling can help with panic disorders and other anxiety related disorders, but a more intensive mental health outpatient option may help individuals delve deeper into the source of recurring panic attacks.

Lido Wellness in Newport Beach offers an intensive outpatient program based on scientific backed therapeutic models. If you want to know more about this unique mental health treatment option, call us today. Our team is ready to answer any questions.

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